This. He had(?) so many fans within the ranks! They wanted him instead of Hillary! What the hell did they think was gonna happen?? If they couldn’t have predicted this maybe Trump has a point...
This. He had(?) so many fans within the ranks! They wanted him instead of Hillary! What the hell did they think was gonna happen?? If they couldn’t have predicted this maybe Trump has a point...
This reminds me, what are we all gonna wear on D Day to protest?? If I didn’t have a 3 month old I’d totally go to the Women’s March. Still want to show solidarity. White might be cool...
Fitting, since he’s married to a telenovela actress. She was in, among other shows, Mexico’s Ugly Betty (before ours).
Dan Patrick is ISIS in boots. And dumb as a post. Fuck Him.
El Paso, baby! Chico’s Tacos.
Yikes, thanks for the tip. I just felt the sting of a million body hairs being yanked out with every move.
She slayed, I died.
A few weeks ago as I watched a network tv airing of The Sound of Music I tragically and finally understood why Captain Von Trapp chokes up on stage. I couldn’t believe I was able to relate. I almost couldn’t breathe from crying. This seems more appropriate:
He reminds me of an android. Like Juse Law in AI or Data from Star Trek. But you know, less human...
Get out of here with your book learnin’ ya liberal elitist!
This made me realize towns like yours wish Mexicans were House Elves: all the labor from invisible beings. Magic!
Omg one of my best friends used to say that about his parents when we were in high school. I always wondered how it would work since his mom was a pretty big woman and they had a small bathroom. No room to soap up or shampoo your hair!
Is her dress meant to be a shout-out to mariachis??
They’re gonna try to pull similar shit here in Texas, and if North Carolina hadn’t suffered first it might have more of a chance.
Dunno what Mika sees in him. He’s a fuckboi.
He’s so red, I suspect that dewy plumpness is just drunk bloat.
Hubby is a psychiatrist. From what he’s seen, Trump almost certainly has NPD & ADD at the very least. Shows several signs of dementia...
Yep. Putin knows...
Aww, now I’m scared! I’ve called my eldest “monkey” since he was about a year old; he would climb everything and hang from us when we carried him. He also looks like Curious George.
Colace will be sweeter than pain meds post partum. ;) Congrats!