Valeria Inéz

Noooooope. No. NO!

Fuck yeah.

Celebrities tend to die in threes.

She died as she lived: in as a princess, out as a general.

Katpiss Neverclean

Years ago there was an anti-abortion billboard next to a HOSPITAL in Lubbock that claimed there was a heartbeat after 14 DAYS. This is BEFORE things got REALLY crazy down here.

Hey Encino Man was responsible for my sexual awakening, show some respect. Although weirdly I had a crush on both Brendan AND Pauly for years after...

I’ve watched Spotlight twice. It makes me want to become an investigative journalist: very All the President’s Men.

At least you knew they weren’t the same one. I didn’t until now...

I was desperate to go to boarding school, starting around middle school. I have reactive attachment disorder so I’ve never given a shit if my parents were around or not.

Exactly. I just realized she reminds me of Professor Umbridge. 《shudder》

Management skills!

This is the only way I could think of to explain the election to my confused 4 year old. Thank god for Star Wars. I quoted Yoda: “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering...”

You’re obviously much smarter than him and I’d rather have YOU as my president!

So much unexpected stress and anxiety, especially in the harrowing transition-team-assembling months leading up to innauguration, can’t possibly be healthy for 70 year old men who don’t take exercise, get little sleep, and really enjoy fast food...

Ditto. Never thought the election of one person could bring increased fear of nuclear war AND sexual assault. My prepper mil doesn’t seem so silly after all.

Before the returns started to look bad my husband said “if we elect Trump the country deserves to go to hell,” to which I replied “but the rest of the world doesn’t deserve to be dragged down with us.”

I’m legit SCARED. I live in TEXAS, which is plenty weird already. I’m afraid this will embolden the racists and misogynists and our personal safety will be threatened.
