Or Wendy McClendon-Covey (top right).
Or Wendy McClendon-Covey (top right).
Aww this makes me happy at a hard time. I’m gonna have to put my two old rescues down tomorrow. One is almost 15, the other almost 12 and missing her front right leg like this pup.
Now I feel less bad about not knowing.
This was a big story out of Las Cruces, NM last year. A detective raped a Police Explorer. http://m.kvia.com/news/special-r…
Like him, I had never heard of it. THANK YOU!
What’s this from? I must watch it immediately!
It’s that thing when like a Swedish masseuse gives you a hand job in a McDonald’s restroom.
Yasss! I’m more of a non-fiction fan myself but I’d read something like this, hard.
Aww, that’s one of the nicest compliments I’ve ever received!
New motto:
With vitamin R.
That's because we're the REAL deal, baby!
I didn’t use the phrase casually: this was a good example of when checking one’s privilege would be appropriate and helpful.
Ok white teachers, y’all need to calm down. This article doesn’t dismiss your hard work or dedication, it’s raising some questions. Why do some people get so defensive and insist on seeing racial equality as a zero sum game?!
This hits home. Your story sounds like mine except most of my teachers were white. My high school was 98% Hispanic and Native. I got my first teaching job there four years after I graduated.
In my program some of the white teachers complained that diversity training emphasized difference too much. They said they didn’t need it because they were going to connect to their students as people and the students were going to appreciate that and reciprocate. I laughed and thought “yeah, good luck with that. You…
In some states those teachers are more likely to be accused of bringing racial politics into the classroom. When white teachers discuss imperialism it’s history, when teachers of color do it, it’s sowing racial discord.
Let them put their god in our schools, and in return we can take science to their churches! Mwahaha
I do love the historical language convo. But can we at least agree that between his flowing robes and comfortable sandals he might be thinking “bitch stole my look” ?
Jesus that was the biggest shock of my marriage. I had no idea about the hair. I felt so naive to not have expected it, but the other men I had lived with were Native, and half Japanese, and I guess less hairy than normal? After 8 years I'm still surprised sometimes.