You're absolutely right. But religious wackos don't believe in science/book learnin'. Ignorance + Arrogance.
You're absolutely right. But religious wackos don't believe in science/book learnin'. Ignorance + Arrogance.
How can we miss him if he won't go away??
Don't worry too much: it doesn't help. I spent most of that first year stressed, sleep-deprived, guilty, and anxious. I'll always wish things had been different, but I'll remember more than he will.
That's right. One size does not fit all; some of us are better moms if we work. I didn't fully appreciate my kid until I spent at least a little time away from him. Now I worry that staying at home and being around him ALL THE TIME will cause me to take him for granted. I know how quickly time passes, but when my…
I cannot wait to hear how the faithful deal with that AND his immigrant background. Eeeee!
They're like the dress-jeans the raver kids wore in the late 90s/early 00s. Where's your glowstick, Ted?!
Thank you so much for giving me a way to cope with this ass clown. I'm in Texas and I react to him like I react to gnarly roadkill. Now I'll be able to at least get a chuckle out of his assault of my vision and sensibilities!
Please tell me his name is Colonel Angus
I thought that was a golden snitch longer than I should admit. The title was necessary.
I just gagged. That snapped me out of my reverie: I imagined a site that collects all of those awesome covers so I can view them without ruining my pristine browsing history...
Please tell me his name is Colonel Angus.
Thanks! This actually helped me breathe after the insanity of the comments to Erin's UMW story. Looking for my happy place...
Nice gaslighting double-play: invalidate her feelings AND insult her professional/leadership capability. Wow.
That did make me think "so only these guys know the words?"
1. This is OUTSTANDING reporting. Inspiring work.
Apparently this is who they think writes romance:
I feel the same way about my maternity trousers. It's been 3 years, never giving them up.
I've got a lovely dessert for him:
Isn't it kind of charming that being a white male with oodles of money allows him to live in a perpetually deluded state? It's like The Glass Menagerie, bless his heart!
That the one cop in the photo's face can be so effing calm as he's looking at a fellow human being that he has brutalized is almost more graphic than the rivers of blood pouring down the student's face. I can't even.