
I think Duckworth’s the logical choice in that her Senate seat wouldn’t be at risk if she took the role, she’s ready to be POTUS the day after inauguration if Uncle Joe strokes out from the excitement, and the disabled vet angle would be enough to tip a fair number of conservative never-Trumpers from just sitting out

The evangelicals aren’t going anywhere even if Pence does get dumped, which I doubt will happen

There is little Trump can do to criticize her that doesn’t make him look (more) awful (does that even matter any more?)

I can’t see Trump replacing Pence. First off, are there even any credible candidates to choose from and if there is, what person in their right mind would walk up to the guillotine like that?

This has happened a million times. They prep one of these for every single viable option so they can be the first to publish (see also obits), and sometimes they get published by mistake. Yet another shitty thing about the instant news cycle.

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. No. No. I am this emphatic only because I would bet one of my fingers that this thought has crossed his mind. NO, fuck that, and also NO to the thought of NOT prosecuting Dipshit next year for obstructing justice. That deserves a strong YES. Assuming Biden wins, let’s at

Normally, I’d agree, but seeing how Biden would be turning 80 halfway through his first term, there is a very real chance that whoever gets to be VP is going to end up with the real job.


You GOTTA have a helmet!! And safety stirrups look dorky but they are USEFUL! Plus now like all the helmet covers and gear are super cute so there’s no excuse not to wear them.

When I rode in Panama the horse we could afford was a retired Panamanian race track boi (probably a thoroughbred?) because Panama has 3 kinds

I went on a horseback riding/whitewater rafting trip up in the Colorado mountains several years ago. I’d been talking to my nieces on the phone beforehand, and my 7 year old niece made me promise I’d wear a helmet. So I had to wear a helmet, even though I was the only one wearing one and the helmets were these big

I just made that post, my mom who is an extremely tenacious *sticker* when it comes to a horse getting spooked/bucking whatever but when she took a flight off her insane horse after she lost her damn mind seeing a plastic bag flutter by, my mother ended up with a busted up helmet and *still* had a concussion (it was

But a helmet would ruin their fabulous hair!...! 

I had a horse growing up too. The way Kim is holding her reins is hilariously bad.

I was on a horse that was spooked by a car and took off toward a highway about a quarter mile away. My saddle hadn’t been properly cinched and I started sliding. I went head-first into a deep ditch. I had a concussion and I’m told by doctors today that damage was done to my spine. I remember almost nothing of the next

My first thought immediately. I used to teach lessons and no way in hell was anyone ever getting on a horse in one of my classes without a helmet.

Oh please that’s nothing. I regularly tip 400%. Anything less is pure unadulterated selfishness. 

Due to very sensitive teeth, I find myself slightly microwaving ice cream, or at least letting a salad get up to room temperature instead of the ice-cold fridge temps. Super hot or super cold is very painful.

But pizza is like the one hot food that can also work as a cold fold, deployed in the proper, ideally hungover, context.

I do have a bizarrely hardline food habit borne from Covid-19.

That’s just sad. I do recall ordering a Kobe burger from some place just because it was the cheapest thing on the menu. It shows up with no burger patty. Couldn’t find the waiter to flag down so I settled for a bus boy. He ended up grabbing the manager who was appalled.