
My cousin lets me use his login (he uses my HBO) and it’s SUCH a great platform. So many movies and nature docus to binge. So many forgotten favorite TV shows from my childhood years. And now Hamilton and Beyonce!

True, but as a semi-hypochondriac in her mid-30s, I can tell you this: We all just kind of assume that all of our inside goop is the right shape/size/tempo, and hope that it all ticks over with a minimum of fuss. Did you know that your heart can skip up to like one in 7 beats before doctors really think it’s an issue?

Yea... the whole “his resulting injuries led to the use of a wheelchair” wording and the legal settlement sideye are both wierd as shit.

I swear to God I saw his picture on Twitter and before I read the story thought it was Tom Brady.

The cognitive dissonance of both being vehemently against “socialized medicine” whilst having had someone else pay his medical bills is astounding.

Hah, a lot of people blocked out the retreat because it seems so...un Mad Men-esque, but I liked it. It symbolized Don’s ability to become ever more what he really is while letting go of the blockages and lies of the past.

Jennifer Westfeldt - 50.

And this has been today’s: Yeah but what are Adam Carolla’s thoughts on the matter?

What is Hamm wearing??? Shorts, puffy vest, scarf, knit hat... So much going on and then shorts...

Adam Carolla says it’s okay that Jimmy Kimmel did blackface. [Page Six]

I believe she was the young woman with ribbons braided into her hair (in the “I’d Like To Buy The World A Coke ad, you can see a girl with a similar hairstyle) and the inference was that Don borrowed all the images for that ad from what he saw at the retreat.

Yay! Another actor hooks up with a woman almost 20 years his junior!

Small typo in Penn Badgley’s name has me saying “more like Penn Badley, amirite” to myself and chuckling. Quarantine broke my brain.

Its a self feeding machine. Most of the hiring at my job comes via a program where you get a bonus if your recommendation gets hired. I’m the only black person in department of 60+ people. Their networks consist of their white friends and the predominantly white jobs where they previously worked.

Stewart explained that The Daily Show had a blind hiring policy, which at the time producers thought meant no one could accuse them of being racist or sexist.

My hot take: current jezebel writers got soooooo excited that a current relevant show made an unattributed reference to a decade old jez article that they had to find a way to write about it. but they couldn’t help underlining the reason why this website used to be relevant and no longer is--mistaking real social

T.I. did NOT get it.

Is black face all you have to apologize for on The Man Show, Jimmy? It seems like there’s a lot more material there.