
I have always hated Jimmy Kimmel for precisely this reason: he whored himself out for the Man Show, did blackface, and was BFF with Adam Carolla, and then when he was up for a late night gig he got “woke” all of the sudden.

1. I actually really love Kourtney’s outfit, which is a thing I’ve never said about any of the Kardashians. It’s giving me April O’Neil vibes (from the cartoons, not live-action movies).

Honestly the Bieber thing could go several ways.

You know you’re an old when you remember when Nobu’s first big Hollywood restaurant wasn’t even named Nobu (hello, Matsuhisa!)

As an Chinese person and having very successful immigrant parents, I also find your observation accurate and I find that section highly offensive. I heard of Nobu LONG before Kardashians and I’m from a tiny town in Oregon. Nobu Matsuhisa has been a huge titan in Japanese and fusion food for decades. Diluting his

Seriously. And it was de rigueur, then annoying in New York and London far before it made its way to Malibu.

For the uninitiated, Nobu is a chain restaurant made famous by the Kardashians, athletes, and actresses who have all rolled up to its Malibu location. Sure, the food earned it critical acclaim on its own merit, but its entrance into the lexicon of modern wealth was cemented by the celebrities who treat it like a

Now playing

Fat Donny Two Scoops ends his rallies with the Stones’ You Can’t Always Get What You Want. The band has sent a cease and desist letter, but the song still plays. My guess is they are too busy being The Rolling Stones to follow-up, but Tom Petty’s family, they might just have the time and money to make sure Cheetolini

No one ever thinks they’re part of the machine. Pol Pot, Trump, Hitler, Idi Amin, my brothers who benefited greatly from my sexist parents, Paul Ryan, Newt Gingrich....

I’m taking a small, probably brief, measure of joy that the rally was a fucking shitshow. I hope Trump is spending the day alternately pouting and raging at everyone who comes into his line of sight. Maybe he’ll finally gorge on one too many Big Macs and pop an aneurysm.

I’m guessing the main reason Zaya took these photos was because of stay at home orders and social distancing, but that girl is talented! I wonder if she’s thinking of a career in photography or art, because she has a great eye.

I read the edited version and was confused and offended on Sam’s behalf. How could that be “fixed” so poorly unless it was intentional??

Right? It’s ash blonde!

1) Julliette Hough has one of those generic faces where I’m like, I sorta recognize her but am not sure who she is.

Needs more eyeliner!

Not good ones.

oh God the Brian Austin Green/Courtney Stodden thing is just pain. WHAT political views could they have POSSIBLY bonded over, I WONDER

I’m just enjoying the mental image of Gwyneth masturbating furiously to the idea of selling $75 candles, while some poor staff member has to stand and watch, waiting for her orgasm with a swab and tube in hand.

a long thread of chris d’elia hitting on, raping, and blackmailing young women, many who were underage