
Yeah- I’m too familiar with kids to take that at face value. It could easily be Mom said “leave me alone” once last week when she was editing something and that was memorable or Mom said “I’ll leave you alone” when he was coloring and that was a fun time and the phrase stuck in his head. Also the age is just how kids

Yup! My son did one of these for mother’s day in kindergarten, and he aged me up a year, listed my favorite hobby as hanging out with him, and that my favorite thing to drink was plain water. They’re like little stream of consciousness machines at that age. 

Molly and Issa have been each other’s great loves while the men in their lives were temporary. It’s interesting that they drifted apart while they tried to prioritize romantic love over their friendship. Ironically, they were both correct about how each other’s love life will implode. Andrew’s break up with Molly was

The other kiddo focused really heavily on my looking pretty and putting on dresses fast, which--well, as a Strong Independent Multidimensional Feminist, I was simultaneously mortified and charmed.

I’ve been the recipient of a couple of these, and they tend to refer to a recent event. One of my kiddos had recently had to hang out with me at work for an hour or so, and filled out “My mom likes it when I: stay quiet and be good at her office.” Yikes!

They are easily accessible, inexpensive, and fresher because they’re frozen almost immediately after picking and processing.

There’s been a long tradition in humor or square or unlikely white people speaking in rap terms or black youth vocab for easy laughs.  Sometimes there has been some pretty funny stuff out of this - think of Airplane!’s “jive translator” or Flight of the Conchord’s Hiphoppapotamus rap.  You could argue that the joke is

Welcome to Thug Kitchen, bitches. We’re here to help. We started our website to inspire motherfuckers to eat some goddamn vegetables and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Our motto is simple: EAT LIKE YOU GIVE A FUCK.

I’ve got a great name for them: “Lady A’s Kitchen.

SCOTUS just snubbed a shitload of haters.

haha some friends and I were playing a stupid little game once....if you could hang with anybody famous, who would it be? My answer was always Sharon Stone. Something about her---her “oh everybody can just fuck off” attitude. I bet she’s a hoot to hang around with

A-Rod is really leaning into this whole frumpy, middle aged, dad thing, huh?

It’s always been inside him.  

A-Rod is really leaning into this whole frumpy, middle aged, dad thing, huh?

At least she is courageous enough to leave in spite of having that burden. I’d rather be alone than with the wrong person.

I feel so sad for her. I know how badly she wanted to break the cycle of divorce for her kids :(

I love Sharon Stone.
I love that she is aging gracefully and phenomenally, she looks very happy, she has done an insane amount of charity work, and seems to be living her best life.

The Clarkson news is genuinely sad to hear. :(  No snark for this one.

I think Luna’s sign says “pulling,” but the other is more onomatopoetic.

Where are all the comments? Well, it’s a distressing week.