
Because Jezebel has become overrun with bitter assholes that don’t realize this isn’t their personal blog.

Does anyone in the editorial staff read the comments? The bitterness and anger is so immature. Snark for snark’s sake. Yes voting. What’s the problem? What are you doing instead? Do you have anything positive to say? Ever? 

As someone else said, in some left wing circles perfection has become the enemy of good

I am so supremely unsurprised Lea Michele is a major piece of shit. 

Yep, it’s the second day in a row I was like wtf is going on here, what’s up with these articles?! 

Yes voting. For President but also for commissioners and judges and sheriffs and magistrates.

Is this the second day in a row where this column has bashed voting? 

Is Reese Witherspoon’s comment bad? Seems like a good starter list to me

Not sure why you thing Blake Lively isn’t interested in voting. She’s pretty vocally Democrat and did some campaign ads for And Reynolds only became an American citizen a couple years ago, and he and Lively made a pretty big deal about him casting his first American ballot because voting day was on his

I’m not racist and i never have been but i need to speak up about this because just not being racist isn’t enough.

My grandmother grew up during the great depression and lived through WW2 and she said they used to take a pencil to draw a line down the back of their legs to simulate pantyhose when they couldn’t get stockings during the war.

It’s kinda lame but if you are an artist you’ll process things through art. I’m not going to get mad at white people for being sad. Everyone with a heart is sad rn. 

I can’t believe pony wasn’t on that list already. That’s just shoddy journalism ;-) 

Pony still gets me all hot and bothered just thinking about it...

The 90s were a hard time for eyebrows. Let us all pour one out for the lost brows of the 90s. 🍺

Thank you, you beat me to ‘Pony’. If that ain’t a song to grind to, I don’t know what is. I doubt it got played much at proms, tho; just listening to it might get you pregnant, regardless if you're a guy or a girl. 

The language about Lil Timmee here is weird. Why are we assuming that, because he mobilized his fan base to call the DA’s office, he did not also donate money? I donated to the bail fund yesterday but didn’t post my receipt on Twitter because I wasn’t comfortable posting that info. I told my best friend, because she

Apropos of nothing, but Matt Damon is the most Irish non-Irish person I’ve ever seen.

I for one, don’t begrudge Damon, he was stuck in a nice place and I don’t remember seeing him instagram and or tweet about his “problems while in isolation” like other celebrities. 

Some shaping foundation, blush, eyebrow shaping and lipstick - you could do a lot worse with these 2 hour youtube makeup tutorials I can’t be bothered with today.