
The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?

A few things to add color to the discussion:

One can only expect so much interest after introducing a new character to the show. It made sense to get rid of that autistic kid character - her and the beard’s obviously real emotion and devastation makes fairly captivating content. But still... 3/5 enjoyed it, but looking for newer narcissist influencers.

“We want natural problems like this to replace the human-caused problems, like lead fishing tackle as a source of mortality,” he said. “You know, we’re living for the day when eagles are the worst thing that loons have to deal with.”

Provoked or not, I still suspect fowl play.

I once had to capture a loon who had landed on a road near my cottage in Ontario. Loons can’t take off from land - they can barely even walk - so this guy was in trouble. Watching him try to take off was brutal; it sounded so painful, and he was exhausting himself trying. (A conservation officer told me they sometimes

I like being able to see the occasional bald eagle.  

I’m team loon only in loon v Canada goose. Bald eagles are fine.

On the first day of summer after 4th grade, I got a new squirt gun. It was secured in the box with zip ties. I was cutting them with a knife and sliced my index finger really badly. I wrapped it in McDonald’s napkins and tape, then went out to play with my new squirt gun. It was the first day of summer, dammit, and I

What would be more entertaining is not identifying any of the of jizz cups, putting them in a roulette wheel contraption where the recipient spins and she then is inseminated with by the “winner”. Surprise twist: a few of the samples are also provided by random crew members.

I feel bad for the dog. But not as badly as I do for black men against whom the police are weaponized. 

Smoking on the set? WTF? I love GU and am glad she’s calling out the casual racism and sexism that privileged white dudes get away with on the regular, not to mention the fucking stone cold narcissism of knowingly breaking a law and not giving a rat’s ass about other people.

I don’t think she voted for Trump at all, and it dangerous to automatically equate racism with political affiliation. I also think that she honestly, truly believes she isn’t racist. She is of course - but I’m sure she’s the typical example of a white person who votes for the right people, “has black friends” yet

I’ve always figured it was a matter of time before Aunt Becky made a comeback, I’m just surprised it took her this long. The type of people who are her fans (i.e., evangelicals) love to redeem and forgive terrible people.

Let’s film Helen Mirren dressed as Queen Elizabeth II reading this so Damon can get a screenwriting Oscar.

she takes a job in entertainment (her actual career) and she’s selling out or being an attention whore or something.

“Any person who has travelled and engaged in this behavior should self-quarantine for 14 days or until they receive a negative test result for COVID-19,” the advisory said...

Hey Brit? Mind if I share your pool? Doesn’t appear social distancing would be an issue.

The “Rain on Me” video is the gay pink leather glitter sequel to the Matrix I didn’t know I needed. I’m loving everything about it. The world feels like it’s ending so a classic Gaga bop is a fabulous comfort.

I realize the Gags/Grande video was probably made months ago, but watching it all I can think is “OH GOD NO DON’T DANCE SO CLOSE TOGETHER WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU???????”