
Seriously. Especially right now, a certain level of regression is expected in kids, and 5-year-olds are still sometimes figuring out potty training - it’s more common at night and with boys, but this is definitely not something that gossip columnists need to be concerned about.

Oh c’mon, “she was basically on an extended vacation,” really? Whether or not you agree with the family’s decision to stay in place, Kelly at least is working. Whether or not you like her/her job, she’s showing up every morning and giving it 100%.

Every kid is different. There might be developmental or emotional issues we don’t know about. Maybe back off the criticism of a strangers parenting?

Her rep in Hollywood is spotless. Known for being very kind and down to earth.

Piers Morgan is still an asshole, but damn he is really speaking truth to power at the moment (UK Government officials are boycotting his show). I really did not see that coming.

He recently celebrated 600 wishes! I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of a few of those and I can verify that he is an incredibly good dude.

Maybe reread Goldie’s quote to GMB; I think you’ll find she acknowledges her comforts and privilege, but what’s making her cry is the awareness that things like domestic abuse and privation are going on with no way to help.

Regrettably agreed. Tasteless and offensive, but not illegal.

It’s about time.

I’m no wrestling fan either, but I know Cena also holds the all-time record for most Make-A-Wish foundation “wishes” granted. He seems like a legitimately really good dude.

Ha! So this trash rolled on this other trash. Good. 

No worries, Matt!

Or even if you love acting, you could lay low for a few years and then “disappear” into off-broadway theater or indie films. Fame honestly seems like it sucks.

The more intrusive and all-consuming the fame machine gets, the more I wonder why more people don’t just do what he did and take the money and run. It doesn’t sound like he was ever very passionate about acting, so why subject himself to the level of scrutiny that comes with fame in 2020?

This crisis you’ve been suppressing isn’t meant to be resolved, it’s meant to be endured.

…as a young person trying to figure out his sexual identity in the world.

Haha, OK.  I was like I guess I’ve never heard MGK’s music before.  That is really not what I was expecting.

What is left out of the Sia mention is that apparently they were her foster kids who were about to age out of the system so she adopted them to make the relationship permanent and legal. It doesn’t sound like she met them for the first time when they were 18 and thought “instant family.” 

This. Not everyone has the luxury to spend hours every week working out. Yet if we don’t look like we do, we’re hard shamed hard for it, even if we spend our time working to feed our families.

look closely just above the strap of her sports bra on the left: