
I loved him in college as well! His workouts were very fun and effective. If I tried now, I’d probably keel over and my “double time” would be more like “faceplant time.”

I used to go to the gym until I had kids. I switched to home workouts 6 years ago and have continued to do it 5 days a week. I found that the time thing was the reason I had to workout at home, not only at home, but at 5:30 in the morning before the kids wake up and so I could make it into the office on time. It

Billy has been posting home workouts to YouTube during SIP. Gotta love the man’s energy!

I clicked on the Obe Fitness link before I finished the article and thought, “oh! maybe this is just the thing that will make me want to work out at home,” but I know that is a lie I tell myself. I’m still paying for my studio gym membership and have done exactly one posted workout from home, and then at not nearly

He will never not be cancelled for that. It should be the lede whenever he's discussed.

strong Lena Dunham vibes from Alison Roman, so I imagine we’ll just hear shit like this again. and again. and again.

Arnold probably just wants to make up for all the time he missed playing with his own baby son that he had with his housekeeper.

I think Green’s attitude about the whole thing is really nice. It seems like a genuine sentiment too. But even if you don’t think it’s genuine and that he’s not actually this mature or understanding, at a minimum you have to appreciate that this is a guy who understands that co-parenting is probably easier when one

I can’t believe that David from 90210 is so mature, but this is one of the most thoughtful reactions to the break-up of a long and significant relationship that I have heard in a long time.  Also she is so gorgeous it makes my teeth hurt.

I blame butterflies.

“First of all, let me just say, to people commenting on our appearance: How dare you..”

You can delete “with a button and/or zipper” over here.

I have not worn pants with a button and/or zipper in 6 weeks. 

“ ... I for one have forgotten how to wear an underwire bra and don’t intend to restart again.

So BAG is a lepidopterist now? How does he know what the butterfly feels?

Oh look, I have something in common with Grimes’ mom!

the movies are fan fiction 

Ok, here’s MY HUMBLE OPINION - Smith was a Hot Guy™️. He was meant to be hot and so I don’t count him as hot on the show, because it was obviously true. Most of the guys on SATC are attractive (and even that is generous, not necessarily the main men but a lot of the guys who came and went), but a lot of the Hot Guys

Who the hell thought this series was a good idea?

Imagine expressing how you have learned to cope with your mental health, only to be told you’re wrong because it might not be relatable for everyone.