
Ok, but who has Anna Wintour had murdered? Versace? Extreme low rise glitter jeans? The original Avril Lavigne?

The longer you look at that photo, the more everyone appears to be photo-shopped into that room (though far-right-side guy has a very unfortunate Exorcist-neck situation in progress). It’s a like film poster for a holiday-themed meringue of a movie, full of celebrities with full control over their p.r. materials.

My boyfriend just dumped me on sunday during Quarantine. It was both unexpected and completely heartbreaking. Thankfully we didn’t live together but he was the only person I was seeing in person during quarantine. Mary-Kate, girl we will get through this.


People have been here. There is a lot of fear mongering. I just had emergency surgery, went to the ER twice, and stayed about 5 days in the hospital total and felt much safer there than anywhere in public. I was terrified to go in, though. If there had been any other way to get myself back to health, I would have done

I love Kelly’s “if this little girl don’t shut her mouth when grown folks are speaking...” look. lol No, Blue, Mother’s Day is not for the children, too.

This sounds like “good people on both sides”.

This guy was fucking in on it 100%. I honestly can’t even believe they’re doing the rounds trying to make him look innocent. This interview was ridiculous. Motherfucker was filming before the incident went down, you can hear a gun getting cocked in the original audio, and he had NO MOTHERFUCKING REACTION TO SOMEONE

I’ve been watching his MasterClass and totally love him now. I, a slothful person, dream of having an ounce of his manic energy though. He cannot stay still. Always bobbing on his toes or something. But when he recounts going into debt to work in French kitchens and cooking for himself on a hot plate, I know we have

I’m of two minds about this. It would be great to remind the American people of what a competent Cabinet might look like. But it would give the GOP potential ammunition, earlier.

Makes sense. I know that one time I got food poisoning surprised the heck out of me. After all, I definitely didn’t have food poisoning before I ate that dodgy bit of leftover Thanksgiving ham, so how could I have gotten it?

I was just about to query Ms. Wang as to whether she knew that there was, generally speaking, a traditional timetable for this? This said, the 2020 election should be an exception. The Democratic Convention has been delayed, and who is to say that it will not be further postponed if we haven’t yet a Covid-19 vaccine?

This has occurred to me as well. The way to unite the party after basically everybody took a shot at the big prize might be to move forward in a formation. Harris for AG, Warren for Education or Treasury, et al.

Except these are obviously odd times — who knows what the convention will look like, if there even is a convention. Maybe an earlier-than-normal choice is actually the way to go in these days of basically no campaigning at all (and likely not much of any at all before the election? Who knows?).

dude, just give one of them the damn rose already

That’s an adorably grumpy looking baby.

The thing that’s been most frustrating to me is the delays in people receiving their unemployment.

How do you expect to make record profits with an attitude like that?!

Greatest country in the world my ass. I work in medical philanthropy, and we do raise money to fund cancer research, and helping women get mammograms, but we know what we do most of the time? We help people pay their rent because all their money to going towards cancer treatment, or we raise money for the free bed