
I am a lifelong insomniac. Sleep deprivation will no doubt be a major cause of my demise. I’ve tried so many things over the decades and some work a bit for awhile but my brain seems to take any approach as a challenge to over analyze it until failure.

I think ... the island with the black countertop may actually be a dining room island rather than a kitchen island, which is a ridiculously fine difference; it probably contains linens and silverware rather than kitchen ware. The black top matches the black chairs. And it’s still too many islands in the space.

Fingers crossed.

Yesss. Two dishwashers just sounds like twice the work! It takes like, 5 minutes max to unload a full dishwasher. And most of the time my residual dishes are non dishwasher friendly anyways. 

I almost got the two smaller dishwashers you can get on top of each other so that you can do smaller loads, as I entertain quite often and it seemed like it might be handy. But yeah I decided too much hassle for the above reasons, and I can just use a quick wash cycle if I’m desperate.

When the original Where’s the a Fridge article ran, I would have said those two islands are way too much and how many people live in that house?

They are lovely little furry potatoes, but they are about 75% poop by volume. Luckily it comes out as pellets, so you can sweep it up with a small dust pan. They are also coprophagic, so they eat some of their own poop for proper gut health.

Guinea pigs have entered the poo chat. 

To be be a goose apologist, almost every kid I’ve had to save from geese at work, the kid started the fight by being a general pain in the ass to the geese just geesing.  It’s just that child vs. goose is essentially like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

My husband has had a vendetta against gulls since he was a three year old on a picnic. One of those real big fuckers walked up to him, grabbed the sandwich from his chubby little hands, and casually strolled away with it. Not flew—just meandered all “whachu gonna do, sissy punk?”

It’s not like voters were unaware that Biden was creep, either. By now, people must at the very least be suspect of smoke in case there is a fire.

Don’t worry about the military. Yes, there are definitely idiots (and worse), but the greater command structure is supportive of the constitution and what that entails. You’re not going to have a brigade combat team rolling on Washington to prevent an inauguration and maintain an illegal administration.

They’re also straight-up mean as hell.  I bet most people have a story about being attacked by them as a child.

I was sitting in a beach chair probably 100 feet from the water and watched a seagull fly all the way up right at me, and only because I was paying attention to it was able to bail out and avoid the massive dump it aimed directly at my chest.  And to think I used to feed those fuckers bread.


She doesn’t know her husband Will Smith because she probably can’t even find him 80% of the time...

Kendall said period.

“Listen to women!”

I want to believe Tara Reade. I really do. I’ve read about it. There are some gaps. The Russian / Putin connection is troubling. However, if you look at these politicians and celebrities that assault women, it’s not usually an isolated incident. I hate saying this, but it’s going to take more women coming out against

I have two thoughts about what I read: