
That’s so funny you mentioned that, as that’s another trick I tried many years ago, when I was deep in my Food Network cooking show phase! I was actually thinking of it when I left my comment. This is the recipe:

Kanye gets on my nerves and I’m thousands of miles away from him, and don’t even know him.

I’ve tried so many tricks to make box cake mix not taste like box cake mix, including the things you listed here, but there’s always this underlying box mix flavor to the end result. It must be a preservative or something, because it’s present in all of the mixes I’ve tried, in all of the flavors. Am I the only one

add an envelope of pudding mix! try it, trust me!

girl, you still got time to pursue that if you want!

Pants are so 2019. As long as Lil’ Will didn’t make an appearance, no harm no foul. Society is lucky I remember to put on bottoms to go to the supermarket.

I wake up 15 minutes before work. wear pajamas for most of the day. shower at noon. things are getting strange for everyone.

Honestly I feel this is a missed opportunity for her, I mean I know it might be seen as wrong to take advantage of isolation life right now but also I feel like I could trust whatever her and Ryan are selling?

But, Tom wasn’t the starring role, it was just a role. Ralph and C Thomas were the lead roles. He didn’t have any reason to throw a fit at that stage in his career. Perhaps he was worried about sharing a room with the beautiful Rob Lowe, and could he control himself?

yup, i think this was rob lowe’s extremely polite way of saying “unlike me, some people neverrrrr change, and they still do fine. jelz!”

The smile is very Jack Nicholson “Joker.” Creepy. I’m 39 and I do a sprinkle of botox now and then when I can afford it, but I’m grateful I can’t afford any more. As an avowed feminist I’m still susceptible to being body-conscious and could easily be seduced into trying to look young. But I rarely think these

I think it’s why most fields that are “female fields” tend to go male-dominated when you get to the top levels — a combination of men going farther into higher education and the system rewarding men who reach high and punishing women. Women cook, men are chefs. Women teach grade school, men are professors. Back in

Don’t you know better than to say that Rebecca? That’s just asking for it!

I’m so sorry but Kylie’s fillers and work are super apparent when she has no makeup on. It’s nice that she doesn’t always go around in full glam but to pretend you can’t see that she’s gotten alterations is just insulting.

TBH while they were promoting their movie and everyone thought they were doing it, I preferred to believe she kept dragging him onstage to sing with her to remind people who the actual STAR is.

Within one minute of research I solved the mystery: Not a jock strap.

I’ll see your Russel Crowe in Les Miserables, and raise you a Pierce Brosnan in Mamma Mia. Woof. 

the genetically modified raccoon sidekick in Guardians of the Galaxy

Make this all the time, especially holidays. Somewhere along the line it got the name “Man from Another Place Casserole.”

That totally gives me summer camp flashbacks