
I see this is going to have to get trotted out again...

I wouldn’t believe me either, so I get it.

Especially now with the lock down, getting fresh White Castle is inconvenient for me. I bet the frozen grocery store White Castles would be perfect for this.

I mean, it seems like with Joan, unless you were a cool club kid like her friend who was in Uncut Gems, you’re out. Imagine...hating Jane fucking Goodall.

Old white woman who isn’t Dolly Parton, so yes. Those are the rules.

Wait, we are supposed to hate Jane Goodall now? 

Yes, I still enjoy my makeup ritual, it just is part of my routine to face the day, even though that day consists of walks to the couch to get my work done there.

I work from home anyway, so I usually only do For Real makeup when I’m going somewhere (RARE, even in non-pandemic times). But I still wear blush every single day, like always (I am alive! Look how alive and healthy-ish I am!) and I still have lipgloss or balm on constantly, like always (how do people function without

I was going through the photos on my phone, trying to delete some of the 5000 pictures of my dog and free up some space.

I’d pay extra if the wrong face is on the poster. Maybe even double.

I love that guy!

After all these years, I still portmanteau the names of two attractive movie stars who hit at the same time, have both been leading men to Julia Roberts, and are undoubtedly interchangeable to every casting director in town. But I still call them both Dylan McDermott Mulroney.

Oh I’d love to do a wine-specific visit! I’ve been going since 2004 when my friend and I just picked a random place for a vacation and ended up in Lisbon. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found I really love Porto and exploring (Lisbon vacays were basically drinking and wandering the city snacking and buying bras).

Bravo had a bunch of this kind of show in this era-the one with Kelly Cutrone, the one with the lisping pregnant lady who focused grouped baby names, the one with hipster designer parents with 7 kids, GALLERY GIRLS.

I was lucky and caught it coming on after Wheel of Fortune, so I set it to record. My 16 yo and I will use it to torture my boyfriend all weekend.

I’m so glad! One of my greatest lifetime regrets was not bringing a bottle of ginjinha to Jordan. I was afraid of the way alcohol might be regarded. It turns out that I needn’t have worried......

I have to hunt for my ‘Geezer wines and it’s a drag. Last time I was in Porto, my friend and I spent every night of the week at an amazing little wine bar (Wine Quay Bar) and I got hooked on a grape, Zambujeira, which I cannot find in the US for the life of me. I also got hooked on Arinto when I was in the Azores last

I saw the name in the headline and thought this was about Megan. When I saw the photo I figured she’d colored her hair. 

I don’t have this much energy to be jaded about Beyonce joining in on family disney karaoke night.

Can confirm.