
Yep. I have a friend who, after years of my quietly wondering (to myself!) if she had a drinking problem, came out as bipolar and it made a lot more sense. However, I now worry about her MORE when I see her drinking. At least she’s not being unsafe about it AFAIK.

Everyone is an adult here, NATALIE!

I catered a wedding where the bride’s dad and step dad were like best friends. They went on camping trips together, without the rest of the family. It was the coolest and sweetest thing ever. They obviously both walked her down the isle and the speeches made me, a total stranger with a heart of stone, cry. 

Same. My parents had an awesome divorce. I’m sure they wouldn’t characterize it that way, but compared to the bullshit my peers went through with their parents, it was dope. They didn’t use us a pawns, they never argued in front of us, custody was never a game, and they never, ever bad-mouthed each other. My dad later

Really all you need is isopropyl alcohol and a small spray bottle. Everyone thinks of Purell so they want to add extra ingredients. The issue is that there is no rubbing alcohol to be found. Amazon will advertise it but when one orders, one is given a date of a couple of months hence -- when they hope to be restocked.

“He behaves like he wants to break the Democratic Party up which, you know, is going to be unpopular with establishment Democrats.”

I’m glad he was able to scoot the Democratic Party a bit more leftward but thank god he’s dropped out now instead of later in the year. We need as many people to vote for Biden as possible and dropping out early is the only way that is going to happen.

I do hope the Biden and Sanders campaign work together to mobilize progressive voters. Biden is...not even near my top 3 choices...but this is what we have and he needs to run on a better platform than “I am not Donald Trump”

And when we do have a progressive democratic candidate trying to figure out why and compromising to help bring more people around to progressive ideals, we need to not tear them down because they don’t pass this Christ Like purity test!

As a fellow Warren supporter, it’s definitely frustrating, although it does appear Biden is listening a bit more. He seems to realize that many of the ideas Sanders/Warren have pushed are very popular with Democratic voters (and Americans in general) and that he can’t just throw them aside. It will be interesting to

Many still unfairly hold Sanders accountable for Clinton’s defeat in 2016, and his tendency to avoid certain niceties—singing the Democratic party’s praises, buttering up the press—made him an abrasive figure for some.

His pissbaby supporters are all over twitter congratulating trump for four more years.

Not for nothing, but Biden actually was a catalyst for marriage equality. Not saying he’s not a huge old guard establishment figure, but let’s not oversell how useless in every way that the nominee is. He’s not my first or second or third choice, either. 

It’s very heavily dependent on the running mate he chooses; hopefully the people that work his puppet strings will tell the idiot to choose a woman, preferably of color.

It looks like a corny hotel in Vegas circa 2003. If that was the vision, they really nailed it.

For those unfamiliar with the community, this is basically what every black person tells their loved ones about their planned funeral. lol That’s why we call them “homegoings.” The only part I really dislike is when the pastor/reverend chides people for crying during the service when he/she thinks its getting too

My maternal grandfather died when I was 19. Only positive male influence in my life up till then. So it hit me hard. His funeral was a traditional affair at a funeral home. I remember all the people who showed up, all the old-timers from the neighborhood who started telling great stories that I had never heard. The mor

I want my ashes mixed in with glitter and sprinkled from the ceiling onto the unsuspecting attendees while Kylie Minogue songs blast in the background.

My MIL (age 82) died very unexpectedly in early January. She was all packed for an around-the-world cruise with her boyfriend. We held a 45 minute service and then a four hour catered reception with an open bar. The kind of party she would have wanted to attend. We figured we’d never buy her another birthday gift,