
Exactly! My ex-husband and I are quarantining together because we can, and we have a 7-year old who is best served by having full access to both his parents right now. I work in the child welfare system so I KNOW this is NOT the case for many people, but it’s working for us and I am very grateful.

Yikes to the ex, but know that you and your boyfriend are not alone in the “not all sunshine and rainbows.” I think literally every single one of my friends, family, and colleagues have reached the non-stop-bickering point of isolation. Just got off a catch up call with my brother— he and his wife, normally so in sync-

I remember Bruce and Demi bought neighbouring homes when they split so they could coparent relatively seamlessly. If they’re still in those homes I’m sure there’s plenty of space for privacy but also no real barriers to overcome moving between them. Seems nice, I wish as hanging with my sibs right now.

Wherein I will always read his name as “Cotton Underwear” 

Don’t be! These are strange times, that no one could really emotionally prepare for. Most people’s routines are totally gone. Be kind to yourself, balance is a verb. You'll get back on track.

It would presumably be better if entertainers were not producing more entertainment, so that we would have more shelter-in-place time to play cards or something. Just in the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed that Joan’s most unjustifiably nasty digs is are consistently aimed at young women: the bikini model who dared

This is a nightmare of inexplicable proportions. First and foremost, I hope she is able to heal and recover (though I know that is unimaginably difficult), and is able to truly internalize (i.e., to know and feel) that no man worth her time would have any difficulty loving her because of this. Second, I hope they find

It is infuriating that she has to beg people to believe her because she knows most people are operating from the default of disbelief on rape. The phrase “cry rape” itself comes with the picture of hysterical women built into its meaning.

5G is amplified by contrails. And it’s the means by which pedo sex rings communicate with their hub at Area 51. Not that Area 51, you sheep...the other one. The real one.

I’m lost—what’s wrong with the Mandy Moore video? Unless I’m missing something, she just sings a song. And uploaded it, like 17 billion other people do every day, except most of them are significantly less talented.

I’m very uncomfortable with this as well. My family is not at any more risk than anyone else - nobody is immunocompromised or has other significant health issues. Why would I willingly put someone else at risk to do my grocery shopping when I can do it myself?

My wife and I have been grappling with that question as well. We had our groceries delivered for the first time this week, and after placing the order we had a long back and forth about the ethics of protecting ourselves from risk (ideally being better at social distancing by staying at home and providing fewer

“Outsourcing risk” is an active verb that implies that grocery store customers are choosing to have grocery store workers take risks on their behalf, thus saving themselves from taking their fair share of risk.

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

Whole Foods suggested that employees “donate” their PTO to their coworkers who undergo a medical emergency

Re: Dog

Yeah!!! Fiona Apple!!  She knows we need this right now.

You are seen. I feel that. I work from home, but the extra bodies are making me crazy and my routine and ability to do anything has been upended. Of course, everyone is only asking after my husband’s well-being, since I’m totes used to this? To having no kid care and dealing with a stressed family, and trying to

One thing I’ve learned in life, making salad or souffle, always use a bigger bowl than you think you need.

I think having seen the way humans behave... my guess is that they are probably accurate in thinking enough people will be going outside to loot.