
Looks like:

Needs to consult his notes to remember five sentences, three of which are the same sentence and two that don’t actually mean anything. Very stable genius indeed.

Selling your soul to the devil wreaks havoc on your skin.

Defense attorney just dropping by to say, pleading not guilty doesn’t really mean anything, besides that you’re not pleading guilty. In some jurisdictions you do it at arraignment (aka the first court appearance), in some you don’t do it until you’re setting a case for trial. You do it at different times for

Allow me to join the chorus of those cocking an eye at this story in doubt. I’m wary of anything that so neatly stokes public outrage.

Sounds stinky

But if you say it in a southern accent, ANYTHING can be turned into folk wisdom. “You can put boots in the oven, but that don’t make ‘em biscuits!” Try it!

According to the link the woman Wilmer is with is 28 and hes 39. This is the most age appropriate relationship of his, that I can think of. Its 11 years but not at drastically different life stages

Here’s the thing:

Give me a break, a spoiler isn’t just ‘literally anything that happens in the movie’

It’s not like she gets issued a partner as soon as she declares her sexual orientation. 

“This year’s been so hard / but I must be strong.......should I get bangs??????”

She can be single and still come out.

This is exactly what they wanted, and probably planned from the beginning: a teensy bit of queer cred and zero actual representation. There was no change of plans.

This is a sequel. Her mom died at the beginning of the first movie.

I might be naive (not being snarky; I’ve watched you comment for a long time and you clearly understand this stuff better than I do) but isn’t this the value of an ex-President in campaigning? I assume (again, perhaps, naively) that he’s not making actual promises on behalf of Warren or Bernie or anyone else. If he’s

The Democrats can’t do anything unless they get elected. And not just the White House, because if the GOP still controls the Senate after the 2020 election, Moscow Mitch will block every bill and every judicial nomination that comes along from a Democratic president and Democratic House. From someone living in the

How do you write this blog without the rest of his quote? I mean, he literally says we should push for something greater, he’s just asking those with privilege to consider what they are asking those without privilege to risk in that push.

I love how that story positively ruined Jason Momoa for so many of us.