
I don’t know how to tell people this without freaking them out, but lots of students don’t fill out their own applications. How do I know? I see their parents’ names on the applications with the students demographics. I see messed up SSN’s that belong to the parents. I see parents coming into the office needing to

Me when I hear Fox isn’t using all of their resources to try to revive the OC:

It me, an Old:

It’s like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, but with awful people....

So they both sent out somewhat misguided tweets that were jumped on by the Twitter mob? Yeah that’s the same as murder.

Good thing I only confronted Eric Trump on an airplane regarding the policy of separating children from their family at the border. None of Secret Service seemed to give a shit and I got to stay on the plane. 

“Or, she can stay the fuck out of shit she has shown to be ignorant about.”

She was invited and was minding her own damn business. She is a member of the interfaith institute at NYC and if she didn’t show up you would then be accusing her of not caring about brown people.

This is why people think Wokeanistas are

So people were concerned that Omar’s phrasing when talking about Israel was precariously close to anti-Semitic stereotypes about dual allegiances that have been used against Jews since the middle ages (not that she was criticizing Israel). I think reasonable people can agree or disagree with that, but now it seems

Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check.

What their hangup is that she started her tweet with “Co-signed as an American...” which they feel is her saying that she is more American or has more authority or some shit in comparison to Ilhan Omar’s refugee Muslim status, which, in turn, is white supremacy.

You’d think we’d have learned that demonizing the opposition doesn’t win elections. Instead we’re now demonizing each other.

“Your interpretation of our tweet is completely wrong! You killed people with it! Our interpretation of your tweet is completely right! Apologize to us! On video and on the internets!

Sometimes ppl express unconscious biases. They don’t even realize they’re doing it. For example, I heard Joe Biden describe Obama as well spoken, attractive, and clean. Hello. When have you heard that description for any other potential presendential candidate? And I don’t think Biden meant any harm. Perhaps his subcon

Eh, I understand what they’re saying but they seem like they’re laying this at the feet of people like Chelsea, which is crazy. It also seems like they’re opportunists too. They saw someone who was famous and knew that confronting her would get a lot of attention, so they went for it. 

I just told my 3 yo that he’s going to bed early tonight. He’s not speaking to me. 😂

lol at the girl in that video calling those places thrift stores. I know exactly where she was on Melrose in LA, and those are all well curated mostly over-priced vintage stores. 

You’re stretching a little too far as you strive here to make yourself the victim. There are no bad or hurtful intentions implicit in the act of making our thrifted garments more our own style or size. “Plus sized” pieces aren’t specifically reserved for plus sized people, just as “men’s” pieces are not reserved only

I am shrieking with joy. I took an actual day off work and I’m watching. BTW, Shrill has top lineup rn on Hulu’s mainpage.