
This is like an episode of Gossip Girl tbh.

“[W]hile Jade and his daughter were on spring break together, Jade “decided it would be in her best interests to return home.

Olivia used her Crew experience to get back from the yacht as soon as she heard of her moms arrest.

I mean it’s like this thing over here is not good and should be against the law so because these people did a similar thing that is actually against the law they shouldn’t get in trouble?

In William Macy’s case, he isn’t charged. Which is not to say he was unaware, but the bribing part was done by Felicity. In Loughlin’s case, both were charged, but come on, this is Aunt Becky we’re talking about. Naturally she’s the more newsworthy one. If you look at the rest of the indictments, it’s actually more

I tried to comment on this part but the original article has either been taken down or is no longer accepting comments. This was not a “momentary” lapse in judgement. No one appeared in a dark alley in front of Felicity Huffman and opened their trench coat to reveal completed SAT tests...this was a sustained,

Seriously, it’s a good point.

Is there a reason why the actions of these two couples are being publicly and legally referred to as the actions of the mothers? I ask both honestly, and pissily.

“I do not see the difference between getting a kid into school by bribing the Building Committee, and by bribing someone else.”

Buying a building benefits future students, bribing somebody just benefits them.

Some good news ahead of the Women’s World Cup this summer. Two champs from 2015 are engaged!

I’ve seen a lot of “they probably didn’t even know it was illegal!” in regards to the bribery/test fraud... which sure let’s assume they’re all as dumb as their kids and say they didn’t know. They 100% knew that claiming these payments are charitable donations on their tax returns was SUPER ILLEGAL.

Okay, there’s so much about this story that makes me want to smash things, but one of the biggest is this: “That a parent’s zeal for her children’s future may have overcome her better judgment for a moment is not only unfortunate, it is, I know we parents would agree, a universal phenomenon.”

Ever since UVA got caught granting admission to wealthy donor children who couldn’t get in on their test scores and grades, I’ve been side eyeing resumes that have elite schools on them. I just work for the government so I’m sure my skepticism and “decline to interview” stamp have zero effect on happy, wealthy lives.

David Mamet is a right wing nut and admirer of Sarah Palin.  If I ever get in trouble I would not want him defending me.

God, I work for a private university. I get lots of cool toys to play with and my kid can go there for free (if  they get accepted), but god I wish I was back in the municipal government again.

Which you would think would dilute their brand with stupidity.

If only we could institute a 100% estate tax, these rich people could use those bootstraps that they seem to feel are so important.

and I love the bullshit conservative narrative how this impacts all the hollywood librul elites...exhibit A is JARED KUSHNER...and then there are the Trumps

At the very least we certainly have killed people who had disabilities that should have excluded them from the death penalty. And, yeah, there have been enough people exonerated on death row that I have no doubt innocent people have been murdered by the state but I don’t know that anyone has been exonerated after