
Who wouldn’t want Megan Mullaly to rock one of their dresses on camera???

I think Mullally is perfect and should host more award shows generally. I’d watch. Two weeks ago she was on The Bachelor, for reasons I still don’t totally get, but it’d be great if they could bring her back every week.

It was in no way based on importance. I just didn’t want that headline filed to “Dirt Bag.” I adored Fatima on her season of Top Chef and have been rooting for her ever since. 

so his ex wife wouldnt take free shipping away from us.

Sounds like we’re caring about MacKenzie.

Some of us want to ogle the pretty men, but we do not want to be grinded upon. I’m personally excited about this development. One idea is is that they can do on-stage seating as an option if you are pro-grind, but if you are anti-grind, you can just sit back and watch the show.

“If women need the cloak of a Broadway show to ogle some hunks, I salute ’em.”

Mädchen Amick would have been such an awesome Carrie. She’d still have been self-absorbed bitch but intentionally and in a fun way.

I’m excited to evaluate all of the candidates, pick my favorite and work to get them nominated. And if my candidate fails I look forward to FALLING THE FUCK IN LINE.

Let’s get on it, people! Finally we are at a place in time where we can see our future government without Trump in it. I hope the primary is big and loud and optimistic and full of ideas and good will. The opposite of the mean, pretty, miserable Republican primary of a few years ago.

Right? I tried to kill myself in seventh grade with what ended up being antibiotics and when I talk about it now it’s as a joke because I got my period and my first yeast infection the same week. After a certain point of dealing with the issue at hand, you have to be able to joke about this shit.

I love Mulaney. I hadn’t heard of him till my son’s friends kept making.the comparison of the two. So I binge watched him. He’s adorable and funny and it’s so weird seeing my son’s personality and expressions on anothet! Tall and lanky. Similar face structure and hair. Similar sense of humor.  Weird!

Despite not really seeing Mulaney in anything except SNL, I have a huge crush on him. He just seems darling.

Man, Pete Davidson is really owning his shit, so if he wants to joke about things to diffuse the tension, and move forward, cool. I don't see this as 'derailing his comeback' in any way. He's not joke about other people killing themselves. 

Bless your heart.

Yeah, it turns out that I’ve been Marie Kondo’ing my life every few years for the last 20 years or so every time I’ve moved. :D 

This is where I am right now. I’ve basically decreed that I will take a load of stuff to the resale shop or the dumpster every two weeks until I move this summer. We’re streamlining before the big move, baby! If I can’t think of a good reason to move it from one place to the next, it goes. So far it’s mostly clothes

You’re getting my old crap!

I work at a not for profit that relies on a resale shop to fund most of our programs. We are absolutely fucking THRILLED about this.

I don’t know why, but Chris Pratt has always set off “DANGER, DANGER” bells in my head. Like, I feel as though he’d be really slowly emotionally manipulative and that his “charming” persona is just a public veneer that he strips off but only when he’s thoroughly got you under his control. RUN, KATHERINE.