
Was that not clear?

The internet in general and Kinja in particular have very strong views on the order of the Best Chrises. It is a thing that is known. So I can’t even fathom what it would feel like to get engaged to the universally acknowledged Worst Chris, who is Worst Chris by a substantial margin.

I’m confused- if semen is so great for women, why are chodes like this always telling us to keep our legs closed?

My “big brain” allows me to keep track of both things.

I think it’s reasonable to assume that the Enquirer offered the highest bid for the pics because of their relationship with Trump, but it’s a stretch at the moment to assume that Sanchez’s friend leaked the photos to the Enquirer on behalf of Trump. She probably approached a few rags, and the Enquirer started

While we’re at it, can we also talk about sites staffed by people who should know better who regularly link to TMZ?

It’s hard to be obese when you can’t feed yourself for a decade. Unless the staff was force feeding her like a goose, as well as raping her.

How is it possible that nobody in a medical facility noticed that a patient in their care was pregnant?

That’s exactly what I thought! If she can’t say “I’m pregnant” to the staff caring for her, then she can’t consent! There’s no tip toe around this one, and I hope they DNA test the staff so they can prosecute that fucker (unless it was a visitor).


Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

From that tweet it sounds like life as he knew it was destroyed more recently. I assumed it had nothing to do with Idol and was personal.

Image googling “[celebrity] before after” is a guilty pleasure of mine. Ivanka, Madonna and Kim K are the most jawdropping, it’s ridiculous they pretend they haven’t had multiple major surgeries when the evidence is right there.

It is mind boggling to me how sites like TMZ make fun of people like Lindsey Lohan for clinging to their fame years after they were relevant and then also make fun of people who say “I tried, it wasn’t working the way I wanted it to so now I’m doing something else.” like Dunkelman and the guy from Cosby Show who was

She’s not denying she had a butt implant

Well said. On top of all of that—and I say this as a guy who curses like a sailor—there is a need for our elected officials to raise the level of discourse. If he can be called a motherfucker, she can be called a motherfucker. That’s how it works. For the rest of her career, calling her a motherfucker is fair game.

The first thing She needs to learn is to not say the quiet part aloud. Her language is a gift to the President’s supporters. She will now be dismissed as a foul mouthed Trump hater. How does She expect to remove the President when McConnell won’t even bring the bill to reopen government to a vote? Trump is counting on

“You can’t spell Osama bin Laden without D, A, and B. Coincidence or coded message? Hannity breaks it down at 9.

You’re reading too much into it, they’re just paying by the pound.  Rocks are heavy, Blunts are not.

Oh for sure. And I recognize that the only reason that debt got cleared at all is because I have the wherewithal, bestowed upon me by multiple race and class privileges, to navigate a situation like that in a way that makes people want to help me. But the fact that they were able to just poof it all gone says a lot to