

Exactly. You could tell a male co-worker, “Hey, that’s a sharp suit” and you could say something similar to a female coworker, “That’s a great dress.”

I’m shocked as shit nothing has come out about him recently, given his long-documented history of assuming that every woman in whichever room he happens to be in is insanely sexually attracted to him.

Nailed it! (And not in an ironic sense like the “Nailed It!” Netflix series). Those are really good examples, because in no way did anyone comment re: how the sweater looked on your body— every example seemed like genuine curiosity because the focus was on the unique construction and fabric of the garment. And even

You meant “the. most. hammiest. mostoverwrought. actor.

Exactly! There is a right way and a wrong way. For example: today for our holiday party, I wore a ruched, satin cardigan that I admit is not only fascinating to look at, but people ALWAYS want to touch it. And they are right it’s super cool!

just go up and tell him he’s got nice legs, since it’s such an innocuous compliment.

“At the same time, [the movement has] become hysterical...”

When I read what Shatner wrote, I don’t get the impression of a perv who MUST have deep dark secrets just waiting to be exposed (although statistically speaking, he certainly could). To me, it reads like a man who has always liked women and has always liked to flirt, and he fell asleep around 1970 and just now woke up

Ive always hated Baby, It’s Cold Outside, so I’m not interested in defending it too avidly, but in it’s original context the two characters in the song are 100% on the same page; it was the ‘40s, and an unmarried woman absolutely did not spend the night in a man’s house. They’re making a big show to the rest of the

If he wouldn't casually but enthusiastically give a man the same compliment then he should not be giving that compliment at all, especially in a work place

What are we hiding, Mr. Shatner?

He and Stephen Miller are like, the poster boys for Make Bad Choices, Get Bad Faces. I’m a year younger than Rapaport and look ten years younger. And I don’t dye my hair.

Michael Rapaport is 48 looks 63 and acts 16. If you keep literally every aspect of him exactly the same there’s hotter men every place anywhere. 

Michael Rapaport is only 48? Jesus Christ, dude doesn't get to talk about other people's appearance.

I loveyour posts

My passive aggressive sister, who is 13 years older than me, got me a boxed set of paints emblazoned with the words “Body Paint for Lovers.” The paint could be applied to skin and licked off. I was 15 years old and my boyfriend was in the room (along with the entire family) when we were opening our gifts. Oh, and my

one year, my brother gave everyone framed photos of himself & his new wife with the pope!

A few years ago, my mother-in-law gave me a pair of niceish socks. They were exceedingly boring and in no way a thoughtful gift, bit I did need a few pairs of decent socks, so whatever, I said “thanks, I’ve been needing to get some more socks.” She replied, “good, because I tried giving them to my dad and he didn’t