
A few years ago I noticed he had matured, from a very...doll-ish looking boy into a hot man and I’m not ashamed anymore, he can get it.

Ari also left this comment on some Instagram page:

I genuinely examined the picture to prove it was actually him, because that man is sooooooo sexy. And I still think it's a lie. I'd never want to fuck Zac Efron that bad.

I have never been more attracted to Zac Efron in my life.

Wait. Is that Zac Efron? Or some random dude named Zace Fron because that does not look like Zac Efron, in my understanding of Zac Efron.

I was thinking an Incel.

Evergreen statement in 2018.

Fuck, yesterday was an epically shitty day.

IDK who he is either, but she wore pink and it was lovely!

Apologies if this made the dirt bag cut yesterday but Mandy Moore got married and I want to wish her happiness after being with the monstrously terrible Ryan Adams for so long!

It hasn’t been docked, it’s braided - you can see it if you zoom in. It’s common in heavy horses, when they are at a show to have the tail braided and out of the way. We don’t dock horses in the UK, and that’s how they are presented when done up in their Sunday best.

What’s the confusion? The ‘weird thing’ on that giant ass is just a black coat.

I am a subscription/ membership addict. I won a silent auction item last night to the new floating tank/ chryotherapy spa and looking at the prices, I realized that there’s a membership option, and I thought “great! This is the next thing I’m going to be sucked in to for the low, low price of $60 a month and a 20%

I completely agree.  But once I read it, I absolutely knew that the word “Florida” would soon follow.

Judging from the headline I knew she was going to be terrible but I never ever in a million years could have guessed that “dwarf-tossing” would come into play. Just wtf. 

No, urine is tea leaving the body. 

I think the turtlenecks are an extension of his perpetual facial expression that says, “why yes, this *is* another turtleneck

This whole ‘you’re doing mourning wrong’ thing is just a race to the bottom to see who can be the most respectful-est #RIP

The dead obviously and literally dgaf because they’re dead. Decorum is a courtesy we may extend to friends and family to help them through a difficult time - but you know selfie whores on twitter

Dear Armie,