
This season, a great show became something absolutely masterful. The writing, character development, acting, combined with artistic (but not heavy-handed) cinematography, and the always-incredible music was just... complex, subtle, nuanced.

What she’s doing sure seems like the opposite of class.

I feel like a real Polyanna that that didn’t initially occur to me, but now I can’t unhear it.  You’re 100% right.

Well, if you don’t know, now you know.

Damn, I’m sorry. Thank you for speaking up, and it’s very disheartening to know that you are now facing potential consequences for it.

Plus, I think everyone in the military and IC just got a major boost to their sense of moral obligation from Mattis yesterday.  It’s nearly impossible to find someone more widely-respected in the military and IC.

I hear you—this is 100% bananas—but Milley and Esper are still drawing lines with Trump. Esper has indicated that he will decline orders to turn the military against protesters based on the Insurrection Act, and Milley has distanced himself from the church photo op, saying that he was not informed of the actions to be

Your Fantasy (Ludacris + Lil’ Kim)

My grandma was born in the early 1910's, so all of this is what she grew up with. When I was a kid I remember her pointing out an actress who “drew a white line down her nose” to narrow it (grandma was way ahead of the game on contouring!). She also complimented my legs, and encouraged me to keep my full eyebrows

Kids + water is a timeless combination.  I got a cheap-ass inflatable pool + slip n slide combo at Aldi the other day for $30.  The slide portion was meh, but my 5 year old lounged in that little pool for the bulk of the afternoon. Well worth it!

Ah, the Redneck Riviera. If only we could contain them there, together, and have them agree to waive treatment if (when) they fall ill.

If Kelly Ripa was already in the Caribbean with her family, had been isolated long enough to know that they weren’t infected, and has practiced safe measures while down there, I can’t say that I blame her for not boarding a plane and returning to the COVID epicenter when all hell broke loose. Understandably, this is

Goosebumps. This solidified the general perception I had of him as a good guy. We need more people like this risking some of their fanbase support to be outspoken on things like this.

You’re right that she shares some common features with Melania and Megan Fox—a lot of it is in the (beautiful), slightly squinted eye look.

My hat is off to you.  That takes tremendous self-discipline, especially in the face of parenting exhaustion.  Rock on!

I’m married, so I don’t face the same level of struggle that you do as a single mom. (Rock on—you are amazing.) We’ve found some YouTube and Amazon dance and yoga videos that are kid-friendly that you could potentially do together. But if that’s not his thing either, you could try giving an incentive if he gives you

Tae-bo! Yes, my college roommate and I used to sweat and curse at Billy Blanks. But yes, I’m with you. I’m extremely disciplined and driven in other parts of my life, but need an external force when it comes to working out.

Yes, there is societal pressure in general to work out. For looks, of course, but also for the social clout of being seen as “someone who works out.” (Though the at-home workout involves more discipline and less glory. )

I’ve never been great about at-home workouts. I need to commit to a time, be held accountable, and then be told what to do during that time. Preferably with feedback and some community.

Of those three criteria, I always went for height and handsome. (I’m also tall.) Race was open; I’ve just never been much into blondes.