
Hoo-boy, here comes the great mayo war of 2020.

The Victoria Beckham piece is totally worth the click for her Y2K fashions, tales of tour debauchery, and airing of grievances against people I’ve mostly never heard of. Still, it’s a fun read.

Correct. The first slice bothers me deeply for its utter disregard for rule and order. But the second one is a war crime.

Right? I’m thinking we need a 101 on what Chapter 11 means; it’s a restructuring of their debt, not going out of business. Some low-volume stores may be closed, but overall there should be little impact to the consumer. And you can bet your ass they won’t do away with a consistent bestseller like the Ubiquitous Shirt.

HAHAHA, as someone who spent her first 2 years as a mom in Tampa, I’ll confirm--you nailed it.  I couldn’t believe how *done* the mothers of young children were for even the most casual of get-togethers.  That, combined with blanket conservatism without actual knowledge about issues.  Nice winter weather aside, I

Right? Of course, masks are first and foremost for safety, but anything we do, buy or wear can ultimately be an expression of our tastes and values as well. And when the mask covers most of how you communicate, they can be a way to add some personality back into a fraught situation. I think this is a fascinating topic

I’m also very fair, with sensitive skin that breaks out/gives me rashes from certain products. My current go-to for daily use is Drunk Elephant Umbra Sheer. Physical, but absorbs really well with no white cast. I also use and like EltaMD Clear (my derm’s recommendation) for days when I know I’ll be out more.  Plus a

I’ve always been a light sleeper, but as I’ve entered my late 30's, I’ve struggled with insomnia. This has really been exacerbated in the past year by bringing a difficult teenager into our home, increased work stress, and now COVID. I acknowledged that what I was dealing with should probably be labeled as anxiety,

Agreed, and totally. #toomanyislands

6 people live in my house, and while there are times that would be handy (holidays, etc.), it would mostly just be the cause of even more stress. “No, THAT one is clean and the OTHER one is dirty. How are both dishwashers half-full of dirty dishes? Now I have to move dirty dishes just so we can run one full load.

Oh really? I hope to remain blissfully ignorant to their poo habits. Though ElMorenito may have one in his class next year, assuming they ever go back. I think we’ll be able to get out of watching it due to our (lovably nutso) dog.

It’s bananas. I take nothing for granted, and try to prepare myself for any possible outcome (though things keep popping up that I would never have guessed were within the realm of possibility, so it’s ever-expanding). My anxiety is in high gear.

I think you’re right, but the current state of our country has led me to question things that I’ve never thought to question before.  Trump getting protesters riled up to march on state capitals with firearms last week was alarming, to say the least.

Have had this thought on multiple occasions lately.  Whoever he chooses for Veep has an extremely good shot of becoming our first woman president, even if not directly elected to the role.  At 77, and with the stresses of the job, Joe’s chances of making it 4 (or 8) years aren’t great.

If only. One of the million reasons to wish that one of the many capable women had been selected. But at this point, barring any irrefutable evidence, Biden will get the nom, and we will all feel conflicted about it, but vote for him because we acknowledge that he, and definitely any administration he builds, will be

Glad to see that Canadian Geese got called out for the monsters that they are.  Majestic in flight, with their patterns and turn-taking?  Yes, fine.  But they are aggressive, loud, and messy as fuck.  They must shit at a quantity disproportionate to their body mass vs. any other animal on earth.

Seagulls can go fuck themselves.  One pooped on me in the middle of DC, as I was walking to my apartment to grab my suitcase and go to the airport to take an overnight flight.  I scrambled to take a fast shower, and it completely threw me off my travel plan (I am super type A, and yes, I had already planned on

SAME!  I’m related (somehow) to “just plain cake is my favorite” people, and I do NOT get it.  I’ll take all their frosting.  (Same with crunchy cookie people--GTFO, and give me chewy cookies all damn day.)

No, you’re right. It’s like... artificial vanilla or something. I can taste it, but it doesn’t bother me. Adding a tiny splash of almond or extract (or finely grated lemon zest & a splash of juice) in white/yellow cakes can mask it a bit/make it taste more like some bakery cakes.

Ok, I see you—this sounds incredible. Adding to the list for my next grocery foray! There are 6 of us in the house (!), so I go out about every 8-10 days and do a MASSIVE shop. Like the rest of America, I’ve been baking a ton, and it all disappears quickly.