
Pretty much nails my gut reaction to this.

Frank Brosnahan was also the grandfather of Rachel Brosnahan, star of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (if you haven’t watched it yet, run don’t walk).  What a very sad time for this family.

Banana has take an extra 50% off sale, plus an extra 10% off for cardholders.

Banana has take an extra 50% off sale, plus an extra 10% off for cardholders.

Right? I mean... she’s renovated several old and run-down buildings in her town for her businesses, including the warehouse for her online store, and is creating jobs and driving toursim. Her hotel is booked solid. Most of her stuff (recipes, decor, aesthetic) is not at my style, but I’ve loosely followed her over the

I respect her more for this than anything she’s ever done before. Not that the bar was set very high... or at all.

My babysitter regularly references “Influencers” she follows on social media, and I’ve realized that it’s a generational thing. What seems alien to me is just a commonly-accepted source of entertainment(information?) for her.

That would just bring her full circle to the designers she ripped off in the first place...

That’s a very good thought, and clever way to frame it. Thank you.

Word. I have 2, and some days I’m barely hanging on. I’d be shocked if there weren’t a religious element here. I have several Mormon friends with 4+ kids. From what I’ve observed, the older kids tend to step up and help from a pretty young age (maybe I could just send my 6 y.o. there for some training?).

I saw this on IG yesterday, amidst so much chaos and sadness (yesterday I learned that another, lesser-known person I’ve followed for years attempted suicide, thankfully was not successful), and it made me happy. The Rock seems like a really, really decent guy who loves and appreciates the women in his life.

The Bode Miller news is just devastating. My next door neighbors just put in a pool. Their whole back yard is fenced, but there isn’t a fence around just the pool itself. They have a toddler, and I have a preschooler. The whole situation terrifies me—tragedy can happen so quickly.

Yeah, that was the real one-two punch of the news this morning. I’ve been a long-time fan and follower of his work, and their friendship has always delighted me. I even had the chance to see them speak together once, and their dynamic was sweet and funny. Knowing that Eric was the one to find him, and thinking of his

Thanks—I’ll check it out!

Sidestepping the cultural appropriation topic and focusing just on the song, I find Weezer’s Africa cover to be disappointing in that it doesn’t really add much, or take it in a new/interesting direction. If you’re a cover band in a hipster bar on a Friday night, cool—doing a quality rendition of the original is

Agreed! I’ve watched a few episodes already, and it’s as smart and snarky as I would have hoped for. There are too many hilarious throwaway lines to remember.

I don’t think I’m physically capable of listing to the theme song without bopping along. Both because it’s catchy as hell (damnit), and because I know I’m in for a treat of a show.

Sanofi is enjoying its moment of moral superiority just like Bush (W) is loving no longer being the worst living president. Common factor: Trump.

Same thoughts here. I get that Tiegen and Legend have “people” who can help take it to the curb when it’s brown and wilted. And based on how open those roses are already, I’m guessing that will be in a couple of days, which is crazy given the resources (both flowers and $) that went into it. Plus, Luna is going to be

It’s fairly clear in the show that the prostitutes’ orgasms are fake when they’re on the job—I don’t think that’s the crux of the matter here.

Ding! Ding! Ding!