
All of them look damn incredible, but I’ll take the purple, the green and Kaling’s dress (Stella McCartney, gorgeous) in my closet ASAP, please.

Right? I’m from a Catholic family, and went to a Jesuit university (I’m atheist). I watch all these people jump through hoops to reconcile their positions on things with the backward stance of an organization they grew up with/belong to. If you’re finding that to be the case, it’s time to re-think your allegiance.

I made this same parallel this week when people were so excited that Meghan Markle was marrying into the British family, and what a great step it was for them. It rings so false to praise fucked-up institutions for taking a step into modernity. Instead, we could just give our attention and dollars to groups that are

Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll check it out and see if they’re having a Memorial Day sale.

I had a double episiotomy + some further tearing with #1 b/c her heart rate was dropping and she had to come out in a big damn hurry. Delivery of #2 was very controlled, with minimal tearing. And #2 was a bit bigger than his older sister.

Do you remember which brand you bought? I am in the market for a new retinol product for nighttime use.

Thanks for sharing. I think I need to get in to a derm for an overall body spot check, (I’m very careful about sun, but I have family history of skin cancer). I’m thinking I may need to go pro to get my lingering pigmentation issues taken care of.

It’s mainly at the outer edges of my cheeks and temples. It had extended more toward the center of my face during pregnancy (melasma, as mentioned by another commenter), and these traces still haven’t gone away (my youngest is 3). I’m very diligent about sunscreen and hats.

I’m fighting hyperpigmentation that never fully went away after pregnancy. Has anyone else had success with this? I’ve been using Ambi cream as a cheap starting point, and it’s been somewhat effective, but not fully. Do I need to go to a derm?

I’m 35, with two kids (youngest is 3). I have been through a similar struggle. If you have to start with one product for maximum impact, I’d say go with a glycolic acid face wipe every other night. Swipe it on your face, neck, chest (also great on upper back if you break out there). Let it sit for a minute, then apply

Most new parents learn quickly why sleep deprivation is used as a means of torture. My first was a really, really bad sleeper. 30-minute naps, and up for hours (HOURS) crying at night. We did the 5 S’s, Ferber method, you name it.

Same—I’ve never liked the look of “nude” lipcolors on me. I’m fair, but with a decent amount of pigment to my lips. I gravitate toward sheer, cool-toned pink or plum shades that play up my natural lip color. Anything lighter/frosted just tends to look awful. I love the look of a bold lip, but rarely have the patience

Same—I’ve never liked the look of “nude” lipcolors on me. I’m fair, but with a decent amount of pigment to my lips.

It’s so accurate and hilarious, and yet I felt so bad for the mommy group when she said they weren’t otherwise interesting enough to be friends with. I would die.

Seems like their lifestyle has them (the general beautiful, famous people ‘them’) traveling around so much for photo shoots, tours, filming, that it’s hard to maintain a steady relationship. But then it also brings them together semi-regularly for the same events, so it’s easy to rekindle an old flame when the

2 preferred methods in Casa Morena:

Bahahahahaa, it’s all so spot-on. I’ll watch the sequel when it’s streaming somewhere, to be enjoyed at home where I can openly mock it (and happily sing along) over a glass of wine.

He definitely looks like a douche in that picture (the getup, the paintbrush, the pose), and the art is aggressively mediocre. He has some technical talent, but a koi fish and a flower? Looks like something that should be hanging in a (nice-ish) tattoo parlor or Vegas Asian-fusion restaurant.

He looks like he could be Bobby Flay’s son, no? (Also, a bit like my cousin.) Those two factors are keeping me from sharing the feeling, but objectively I get it.

These are amazing arguments, and make me feel justified in finding Pine to be the hottest Chris. Some very compelling arguments were made upthread for Evans, and while he is objectively hot, and awesomely “woke,” (as the kids say), he just doesn’t do it for me in the same way. Though I think we should allow the debate