
Super win! I will have to check it out.

Worrrrrd. I’m 35, but have been dyeing at home for a number of years. Big fan of the Vidal Sassoon Salonist color line. What’s your weapon of choice?

Yeah, he chose a color that’s too severe for him and got an all-over dye job too close to the event, so it looks like a hair helmet. It’s a bit dark, and he’s no longer fake-baking like he once did (solid choice on that front), so it’s a starker contrast to his skin than we’re used to seeing. Still, all said, dude

She is having an amazing run right now (in I Feel Pretty, co-producing and starring in Shrill coming up, newlywed), and it makes me very happy. I hope she’s as awesome as I imagine her to be, and that she has continued success.

That’s. What. I’m. Talking. About.

YES! I’ve made these for a few close friends. I made a “to-go” pouch, that includes a large zipper pouch, travel size wipes, hand sanitizer, onesie, a few disposable changing pad liners, small diaper cream. Just toss in a couple of current size diapers and go. Also, a pack of the flat-fold cloth diapers to use as

Yes, I’m ok with a “sprinkle.” People often want to celebrate a milestone, and it’s nice. A close group of friends (who I hadn’t known when I had my first baby) threw me one for my second. For both of my babies, I suggested a favorite childhood book as the gift (i.e. not lavish, but meaningful). I’ve seen others do

I’m fair with dark hair, and always struggled with my body hair. You could see my freshly-shaven leg hair under the skin. A guy in middle school pointed out my dark arm hair, and I started shaving it—a very bad decision in hindsight.

For all the fuckery that 2018 insists on serving up daily, it’s peppered with little gems like this to help get us through.

Just downloaded the eBook, and will read it as soon as I’m done with Educated (which, OMG, is riveting). Shrill is one that’s been on my radar, but kept slipping my mind when I went to find my next read. LOVE Lindy’s writing from Jez, and LOVE Aidy Bryant’s work, and the fact that she’s taking a big role in the

Don’t worry—even if you don’t actually drop the baby, you’ll probably have nightmares of tripping and dropping the baby while walking down stairs (or some iteration thereof).

The novels (yes, it’s a series) are fun escapism. Highly recommended if you need a break from, well... 2018.

No doubt—a very, very dumb move. I’m not a gun owner, but even so, I know that you should treat every gun as though it’s loaded at all times. But HE had previously considered himself a safe gun owner.

A friend of my dad’s recently told him a story. Guy is a life-long gun owner, considers himself well trained in safety, etc. He was recently putting away a handgun away in a closet. He’d taken out the magazine, and didn’t realize that there was a bullet in the chamber. He went to “dry fire” it, and the bullet went

I read that... I think it’s a typo (should be “each other”)? Letters are similar enough to autocorrect, perhaps? Either the property bro who’s quoted has been reading too much Kanye on twitter, or US Mag needs better proofreaders.

The slide shown in the main graphic says, “How did show him you’re a serious business person?” Maybe by proof-reading your PPT?

I had this same conversation with a friend last night. (And yes, I hate myself for discussing the Kardashians.) But none of us knows what goes on between two people in a relationship. Multiplied by thousands when those people are rich, famous, attractive, and frequently apart from one another.

This is very similar to what my husband does. Only difference I can tell is that he doesn’t fold his dough over so many times. He cuts them into squares to avoid scraps. And he swears by White Lilly Self Rising Flour, or another winter wheat flour if you can find it.

We (mainly ElMoreno) take our buttermilk breakfast foods (biscuits, pancakes) extremely (read: WAY TOO) seriously around here. The reigning biscuit recipe involves grating frozen butter and mixing the buttermilk oh-so-gently into the butter flour mixture until *just* combined. Kneading will produce a tougher biscuit,

My thoughts exactly. I’d be sloshed after the Simon Cowell, and don’t even get me STARTED on the hangover. If I have more than 2 glasses of wine I feel it to some degree the next day.