
Agreed,though it’s consistent across the board for the pics shown. It seems to be the “too cool to care” look they were going for.

This is on the “About Us” page of his company’s website:

This is on the “About Us” page of his company’s website:

My stepson, 11, was just here for a visit, and it wasn’t until the end of a week that I realized he’d brought ONE pair of underwear. And I don’t think he’d had a haircut in several months. His standards could use to go up, just a smidge.

See also: parents of easy babies who think they have it all figured out.

Yeah, he’s pretty much the best. I hit the parental jackpot, without question.

Women and MY DAD. I will forever find it hilarious and endearing that my dad, who works in a construction-related business, can fix anything, and plays poker with his buddies, likes to unwind with a good tearjerker of a Hallmark movie. When he’s had a rough week, my mom humors him by agreeing to watch one with him.

I’ve ordered a couple of the beauty boxes. Overall, I’ve enjoyed them, though the first luxury box I ordered, the credit could be used for virtually anything in their Luxury Beauty category, which is a LOT. They’ve since restricted the program so that the credit can be used for a far more limited selection—mostly

I’ve ordered a couple of the beauty boxes. Overall, I’ve enjoyed them, though the first luxury box I ordered, the

I’ve ordered a couple of the beauty boxes. Overall, I’ve enjoyed them, though the first luxury box I ordered, the credit could be used for virtually anything in their Luxury Beauty category, which is a LOT. They’ve since restricted the program so that the credit can be used for a far more limited selection—mostly

I’ve ordered a couple of the beauty boxes. Overall, I’ve enjoyed them, though the first luxury box I ordered, the

Thank you for your work to shine the spotlight on this xenaphobic, sexist shitbag!

Specifically, chips & queso or ice cream.

Junk food! Because if we’re having sex, it means the kids aren’t around/awake, so we can do ALL THE FORBIDDEN THINGS!

Absolutely! One of my suggestions to new moms (I try to keep them minimal and very life-hacker-ish vs. philosophical) is to download the kindle app on their iphone and load it up with “beach read” books. Easier to read one-handed on your phone if your other hand/arm is holding baby or otherwise trapped.

Amen. The first year of parenthood is brutal. It will magnify a million fold all of the things you love and hate most about your partner. The hormones, weird body stuff, likely damper on sex life/intimacy, complete sleep-deprivation, financial strain, work and life responsibilities, and desire to retain some

We have 2, which is all I want. Sometimes people ask if we’ll “try for #3?!” and they’re baffled by the fact that I can both very much love my existing children, and be JOYOUSLY ADAMANT about the fact that we will not have another. So much so that we made it a (knock wood) medical impossibility.

Yeah, I immediately thought of having to deal with my 5-year-old’s BAJILLION questions about all of that biz-nass going on.

Yeah, I can’t imagine what kinds of needs and demands they’ll have to cater to for the famous participants. They’ll also get plenty of $ in corporate sponsorships of the conference (branding, probably some access to panel speaking spots, contact list, and the privilege of giving away items to attendees).

I’m guessing most attendees’ bags will cost more than the ticket price... definitely cannot say the same for my line of work!

This may not be a popular opinion, but I work in b2b marketing (different, non-glamorous industry). and it’s not uncommon for full passes to multi-day events to run $2-4k. This includes content sessions, networking, food, drink, etc. This is designed for people in the industry, not for consumers.

This may not be a popular opinion, but I work in b2b marketing (different, non-glamorous industry). and it’s not uncommon for full passes to multi-day events to run $2-4k. This includes content sessions, networking, food, drink, etc. This is designed for people in the industry, not for consumers.