
This may not be a popular opinion, but I work in b2b marketing (different, non-glamorous industry). and it’s not uncommon for full passes to multi-day events to run $2-4k. This includes content sessions, networking, food, drink, etc. This is designed for people in the industry, not for consumers.

Great tip, thanks! I recently moved back to a bigger metro area, so I’m confident these exist around here.

Exactly. If he wanted to marry a twig, he would have. People (even rich, famous, conventionally attractive ones!) are perfectly entitled to seek the mate of their choice, even one who might not conform to our expectations.

I got really into salsa music in middle school (judge if you will, but Marc Anthony’s salsa music is infectious), and have a couple of Pandora stations that have introduced me to a lot of great artists. I’m an adequate dancer (with a good partner), but would LOVE to improve my skills. Off to put some music on and

Neat freak here, and that was my first reaction. My kids get to play with play doh at the kitchen table, where everything around them is a hard surface, but even THEN I worry about the mess. Kids/tweens making their own slime? While super fun, I’m just picturing it in my carpet, on the couch... basically anything

I wonder if it’s also related to the recent death of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance author, Robert Pirsig? It would seem on-brand for Brad.

My reaction to this was less about showing her body and more the appropriateness for the event. Everyone else seems to have gotten the memo about looking nice-casual, whereas she looks full-on ready for the VMA’s.

This, exactly! We try to steer clear of the Lolita vibe for LaMorenita.

That’s funny—I work in that industry, and now you have me wondering if my scorn has been directed at people who forced to do it! People in life science are definitely obsessed with academic titles, which is funny because it seems like almost everyone has at LEAST one!

The *absolute absolute* worst are MBAs who put “MBA” after their name in their email signature.

Definitely. I had been with my company for 5 years when I got pregnant with my first, and I still got so much pressure about a.) whether I was *really* coming back (and if it would *really* be full-time) b.) my “long” (12-week) maternity leave.

A friend who came to visit us ended up having to stay an extra 3 days because of Delta’s issues. And another friend’s vacation got completely cancelled b/c their re-booked flight would have put them at their destination the day they were slated to return. What a cluster.

I have a CLOSE FRIEND who, after her wedding, made an offhand remark about how some of the guests had “cheaped out,” and gave gifts that didn’t even cover the cost per head.

Simpler explanation:

We started feeding ElMorenitoGordito solids (by which I mean some runny rice cereal mixed with breast milk) at 3.5 months because after a full nursing, he would sit at the table and scream angrily at us as we ate our own meal. It couldn’t have been clearer what he was after!

I’m really torn over this point. On the one hand, it seems ABSURD that Hannah would choose to keep the baby. On the other hand, I’ve known a couple of twenty-something women who no one would’ve expected to keep an unexpected pregnancy (single or not in stable relationships, not very economically set, not

I love you for this reference, and it’s *insert 100 emoji* as the kids would say. The Republicans will devour their own children, cut off their nose to spite their face, gladly sell a hot pile of horse shit to voters, only to turn around and fuck them over.

UPDATE: Of course, this is our weekend to have Donald the Dinosaur home with us. Which means we have to come up with cute/wacky outings and things to do, photograph them, get prints made, and assist LaMorenita in writing a charming entry in the class journal about it. FML.

Mom’s a pro. She got him in that front-facing hold so he can’t push off of her for leverage. Only danger is it opens up those nearby to potential assault by flailing. A dangerous move when that includes the Queen.

We try not to get too fired up about politics around her (due to language and not wanting her to feel too anxious about it), but she was really gung-ho about Hillary. She saw Michelle Obama at a rally with my husband, and adored her (she calls Barack ‘Michelle Obama’s wife,” and I don’t have it in me to correct her).