
Yeah, I read this as “she was not necessarily amused by how quickly I ran to do it after the pregnancy scare, as a reflection of how much I really didn’t want to have another kid” as opposed to “she didn’t actually want me to do it.”

Haha, this is appropriate on multiple levels, what with Rodman’s bizarre friendship with NK’s Lil’ Kim.

The only real way to find out is to have a bartender card her. If she acts all to happy to be asked, then she’s for sure over 30. Or maybe that’s just me. #ImFeeling33 #becauseIam

Totally. Kids are ingrained with a pretty strong sense of right and wrong, and are like fairness police (well, when it suits them). All you have to do is keep it simple, explain that people are following what they feel deep down is true to themselves, that it makes them happy and isn’t hurting anyone. And that they

Like 99.9% sure there was no irony involved.

Trust me, I’m so tempted and you would absolutely die if you saw them. And while our online worlds likely do not intersect (she believes Obama is out to take her guns), I... cannot.

These are wonderful.

Begrudgingly agree.

Holy shit, woman. Good luck with the next couple of weeks, snuggle your sweet bundle, and then GET OUT OF THAT HOUSE!! Any small errand, done by yourself, becomes a mini-vacation in the early days. Treat yo’ self!

I was in a very similar situation with my first. New city, zero friends or family nearby, husband working new job with long hours, super colicky baby. There were some very rough moments, and any time I could get a break (alone or with my husband) was a life-saver.I feel bad for some of the strangers I encountered, who

Man, more power to any new mom who can get an hour or two to herself (or out with her husband, girlfriends, etc.). You suddenly feel like everything you have belongs to a tiny, adorable, demanding creature. A brief respite to wear clean clothes and engage with adults can help keep you sane.

The other one I was struggling to come up with was mentioned downthread—the “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” commercial reference from The Reverend/Jon Hamm. GOLD, JERRY!

Same. I’m almost done, and this season is GREAT. Still goofy, sparkly, theatrical, sharp-tongued and funny as HELL, but with realness and depth woven in expertly. Some of the minor jokes (Cate Blanchett!) made me guffaw.

Yeah... a 9+ lb baby had just cleared the way. And there are drugs. Allll the drugs. But shit does heal amazingly well.

YES. My husband has been to war, but the look on his face when he talks about the resilience of the vagina... I think he was traumatized.

Yep. All the things associated with pregnancy and birth. But with my second, the placenta didn’t detach on its own, so I was treated to the experience of having multiple medical professionals take turns going elbow-deep in my uterus, then got vacuumed (a D&C) out while still awake. It was like the suction thing a

Right?! I mean, it was a cute bit, but that’s what I would look like after a good half hour in front of the mirror. Plus her “bed-head” was previously styled, so it still looked pretty darn good. I get that celebs are used to being seen with MUCH more primping, but spare me the “I just woke up!”

So close to the next version of OITNB.