
Oh, don’t get me started on her shit abbreviations. It’s not an effective abbreviation if you re-explain it every time you use it.

Sorry, I can’t get past the fact that Rachel Ray has a (pet food?) product called goddamned NUTRISH.

Word. When I was in my early 20's, I spent about $20/wk on groceries, scrounged the rest from my office’s snack offering, and walked to/from work in a city.

Pampers Baby Dry FTW over here. But my 13-month-old is already in a size 5. At this rate, he may be the toddler in adult diapers.

...the stigma that must surely be associated with putting soiled diapers in public laundry machines...

I respect this person’s dedication to monochromatic room decor.

Exactly. $15 for cake and $18 for goddamned monkey bread? I could see these prices if childcare was included with a minimum spend. Then again, I currently live somewhere MUCH more affordable.

I get giddy just IMAGINING the simultaneous head explosions of bigots around the country, if after it all played out he was like, “SUCKERS!” THINK ABOUT IT.

I’m Japanese, but sometimes I feel I am Swiss-German.

Anyone passing judgment on Charlize has never had a strident toddler (sorry, that’s redundant). Looks like just another day in the nuthouse to me.

The arms are the most obvious, but I think her torso and face/jaw were also slimmed slightly. It does rival a magic-eye for making you go cross-eyed going back and forth.

Yes. I wouldn’t rule out botox, but the upper half of her face is still recognizable. The lower half is looking very RHOBH. Still, all-in, she’s looking great. You do you, Brit!

Thank you so much for sharing this.

Fabulous!! Both the prints and solids. Vintage-influenced but wearable.

Somebody’s been skipping leg day...

Yes, exactly. We took my daughter, almost 2 at the time, to a Mexican resort and it felt like we paid a ton of money to be frustrated and exhausted in a beautiful place.

That’s miserable. You end up being worn-down at your core. How can you be a great employee, parent, PERSON if you don’t get any kind of a break?

Absolutely. I cannot fathom being able to take that much time, nor what the repercussions would be at work if I tried. I am SUPER jazzed about this one-week vacation, though. My husband and I are dropping our 2 kids with my parents and going to a friend’s destination wedding at a beach resort. We haven’t had more than