
Last year I used ALL of my vacation and sick time to have a baby and take 7 weeks of total mat leave.

During my bachelorette party, a cop was making rounds through the club/lounge. I was 99.99% sure he was a real cop, but he also happened to be tall, jacked, and incredibly hot. As he walked by to our table, I said loudly, “Ladies, you SHOULDN’T HAVE!!!”

Yes! His show did a story arc on the contrast between the male and female experience in everyday situations (walking home, workplace interactions, being acknowledged in social settings, etc.). He even showed how his character—a self-professed feminist—could sometimes be blind to these things. And he did it all in a

Can’t wait to watch the conservatives get in their WHAAAAAAmbulance if Nancy Drew is cast as a PoC.

You should do it—you may even find relatives, if that’s something that interests you. My husband recently did 23andMe, which runs about $200. He found out some surprising things about his lineage. I plan to do it sometime this year.

YES! This makes me happy to no end, as it’s this kind of presentation that helps “normalize” the LGBT community for a big swath of the country.

Thanks for the recommendations—will check them out!!

The answer (in my case) is that it’s back to being essentially an innie, but it (like my boobs) will never be *quite* the same.

YOU ARE RIGHT! It’s totally “fanks.” I adore her accent. And her. Only confirmed by this clip.

Huge kudos to James Corden for breaking out some solid harmony with FREAKING ADELE. I can carry a tune, but I think if I attempted to harmonize under that kind of pressure, she’d just give me a kind, “Shhhh.... just no, luv. Tanks.”

Freaking STUNNING. Love her for all the reasons. I once stood next to her in a shop, and remember catching a brief beam of light from a smile she flashed before she ducked out.

Do it! I was super-duper pregnant with my first during the summer, and rocked a bright pink bikini. I felt pretty great in it, honestly, and swimming felt wonderful. The thing is, you’ll be a spectacle no matter what, so just go with it.

Love it. And have James Earl Jones read everything as a control.

This reminds me of my grandma, who swam regularly, though ONLY a controlled breaststroke with her head above water to maintain her coiffed hair. Sadly, no swimming cat.

I was surprised by the candor of one of our awesome delivery nurses on this front. We could hear the woman next door screaming like a wild animal. (Thank goodness it was my second, or I probably would have tried to pull the IV and hobble out of there.) The nurse shook her head and said something along the lines of,

That is devastating, and I’m so sorry. This is exactly why I push back on the whole home birth/birth center movement. I want to be supportive of women’s choices, but even the most textbook pregnancy can turn into an emergency situation in the delivery room, and you want to be surrounded by all that modern medicine has

Something weird is going on with my Kinja this morning. What I’d meant to say here is that YES, I agree completely with this. I have the same condition, and had to have an emergency procedure done after my second, during which I hemorrhaged, went into shock, and had to have a transfusion. The nurse pulled me aside

Yeah, it’s far easier than the female version. Or a series of IUD’s, which is an effective and valid option. It’s probably what I would have done if my husband wasn’t willing to get a vasectomy (which, fortunately, he was).

Ruin my day?! It’d probably ruin my pants.

I came of age when my family was in dire straits financially, and it was rough. One year in college, I shared an on-campus apartment with 4 friends, one of whom showed up with a boatload of (nice, but largely unnecessary) stuff she had bought with her parents, and announced to all of us what our share was. Everyone