
And for parents, it’s not just your own sick days, it’s your kids, too.

Oooo... I have not yet ventured into the world of points shopping. My husband started consulting earlier this year, so we are turning into points whores. Will explore—thanks!

You too :)

I love a good gift suggestion list, and this is a solid one, but it’s more “Gifts for Your Upscale Romantic Friend.”

Ugh, that sucks. I could definitely have it worse by US standards—I’m a salaried worker, and my boss has looked the other way when I took a couple of Fridays off for travel this summer, and my company does “flex work” (i.e. work as needed) between Christmas and January. But still... no new parent should have to go 9

I’m just excited because in 2016 I can use my vacation and sick days for their intended purpose. This year I used 100% of both for my maternity leave. ‘Murica!

Exactly. Having gone through two pregnancies and seeing friends do the same, I think the #1 factor is genetics, followed by general health/fitness and success with nursing. Celebrities like Blake Lively are genetically blessed to begin with, which makes it no big surprise when they get back in shape quickly. Beyond

I’m going with yes. But she could be getting some additional natural enhancement from nursing right now, if she still is. That’s also likely a huge factor in her snapping back into shape.

As the mother of a girl and a boy I’m equally determined to raise her not to take this shit and for him to never dream of pulling it.

Agreed. They often translate from EUR sizes. I’m a 9.5 US but a 40 EUR, but many brands convert a 9.5 to a 39 or 39.5.

Agreed. They often translate from EUR sizes. I’m a 9.5 US but a 40 EUR, but many brands convert a 9.5 to a 39 or

I come from that lone oasis of “soda” -sayers in the middle of the country, and it’s giving me a great sense of pride at the moment. Given that my state also produced Todd “Shut The Whole Thing Down” Akin, I have to seize these opportunities where I can.

And I’m sure maintaining and patrolling it would be super inexpensive, too.

Point me to a kickstarter and take ALL MY MONEY.

YES! I know a similar couple who could be male/female twins, and just got married. They are great people, and are a really good fit personality-wise, so I get why they’re together... but do you think they see it?

I fell into that category. Had a low-paying job to start, and then started doing sales and making decent money, but kept acting like I made very little. I lived in a relatively cheap ($800-1,000/month) basement apartment in a major city. For several years I took the bus or walked almost everywhere, didn’t eat out a

Earlier this year, my parents were visiting me for the weekend, and they’d been through a lot. My dad had started a new job just as my grandma (his mother) fell very ill, requiring a great deal of care from my parents, the only family local to her.

Right! He talks about growing up in a bad neighborhood, being on a bad path. Semi-related, he just posted an istagram video the other day of him rapping along to Biggie.

I’m with you 100%, and it’s an analogy I’ve used before. The similarities are remarkable, both for good and bad. I love him for saying/getting this.

Seconded. Love him as an actor, and I’m totally on board with this analogy. In fact, I’ve frequently told friends that being pregnant is kind of like being a minor celebrity—you get special treatment and everyone is extra nice to you, but with the downside of lots of unsolicited input and occasional inappropriate

But can you send an email? Can you swipe your black card? Can you milk a prostate?