
Hah, I meant it largely in jest, but of course you're right. It's not like you see babies out at night-spots in Europe.

I don't see the big deal about singling out brunch from other restaurant meals. Sure, it's a bit more adult-oriented, but if your baby is mellow and not disrupting other diners, I don't have an issue with it being in a casual to nice-casual restaurant, regardless of what meal is being served. If the brunch place is

Said the exact same thing above! To me, it's an obvious comparison, and I have to think the cruller would win, hands-down. Moist but crunchy, more surface area for glaze, less dry, flaky mess.

Yep, that has very little appeal to me. If we're sticking with basics, give me a nice cruller over this any day of the week. And an apple fritter blows either one out of the water.

So as long as my toddler doesn't have Ebola, I'm good.

Just posted the same above! Same brain.

Love it. Or croNOTs.

Love hearing that!

Yeah, my plan is to buy paper plates in bulk and do a lot of putting my feet up. We'll see how that plays out...

WORD—it's awful. Shocking from a company that prides itself on innovative product design and a great in-store experience.

FML. I'm having a 2.5-week marathon of visitors (knows-everything father-in-law, crazy new-age sister-in-law and her health-nut family, difficult stepson, my parents). I will be wishing SO HARD that I could drink away my in-laws. (Pregnant = no drinking = double FML.)

Re: "female" vs "girl," I think I prefer the former.

Just posted a nearly-identical comment elsewhere. Would TOTALLY kill a bottle of wine with her, talk kids and the patriarchy.*

Yeah, I was historically kind of "meh" about her. (Still think Affleck is a douche and don't get that relationship.) But lately with her "so what, my stomach isn't concave—I fucking gave birth three times" and now this... consider me on board, Jen!

Right? White Dominican of Spanish and (politically-connected) Puerto Rican descent. Family was among the elite, and he went to Spain to study painting at age 18. A rags to riches story if ever I heard one...

My post was not meant as a judgment of her actions, just a comment on the extreme awkwardness of being set up completely BLIND with someone who had been in the international spotlight to that degree.

The son of a family friend got set up on a blind date with her a few years ago. He knew her name was Monica, but not THAT Monica. Can you imagine opening the door and trying to stifle your reaction? And how about the friends not disclosing that key detail?

I had just started seeing some great results with an OTC Retinol product (Neutrogena's line), when I decided to get pregnant, and stopped using it, since there aren't any great studies on its effects during pregnancy. But I'm already looking forward to getting back on board with it after this kiddo comes!

Reminds me of Stephen from The Hills. Bro-ness included.

Looks to me like Channing Tatum's wife might be pregnant again? Maybe this has been discussed elsewhere, but as a current preggo, I'd say her belly has the telltale curve of ~3-4 months... I also thought so in yesterday's pics with Sofia Vergara & hottie Warewolf, but the bikini pic is much more obvious: