
My thoughts exactly. NO PRESSURE.

I want to see this listed out in the reasons for the app update.

I've taken to whipping up a big batch of muffins each weekend, and they last me (and my toddler) as breakfast for the week. I can control what goes in (i.e. wheat bran, fruit, eggs or Greek yogurt for protein, not a lot of sugar or bad fats), they're delicious and satisfying. They freeze well and come to life in

Yes, with completely different construction it would work! Reminiscent of Olivia Wilde's stunning pregnant red carpet look:

Gave me a chuckle. I would be EVERYWHERE in the black top. Vulgar wouldn't even begin to describe it. And thanks :)

Note that despite the screen-cap, I'm referring to the green one :)

This top is everything. I would wear the sh*t out of it at the holidays—preferably with some slim black pants and killer heels. (Except I'm pregnant right now, so this is dreaming on multiple levels.)

Ah, ok—thanks for clarifying the format. While it's not as big a deal as cancelling a live performance, it still denies her prime-time exposure to millions, all for something she had no hand in. (Insert bad fumble joke.)

Money aside, it's a huge platform for exposure (televised to millions in prime time), which even a star of her caliber wants.

Exactly what I was coming here to say. Even Jez is conflicted on the topic.

THANK YOU. It's an unmitigated photoshop disaster. Still pretty pumped about watching the movie with my toddler.

That was awkward and SO funny. "Oh wait, you're actually upset for a reason that's NOT about me... "

My thought exactly. I really hope she starts wearing prosthetic bellies of different shapes and sizes, just to fuck with everyone. It could be one of the greatest works of performance art of our time.

Thank you, young boy bander, for briefly giving St. Louis something to feel good about on the social justice front! We'll take anything we can get right now. #STLnative

You still get a gold medal. Sh*t is hard.

I can get behind this, as my summer largely blew. I spent my first trimester or pregnancy alone with a toddler, exhausted and feeling like shit, while my husband was out of town for an internship. I sobbed ugly, hormonal tears on the phone with him when he told me he'd left for his drive home a couple of hours later

After everything I and my friends have been through with HPV (once I brought it up to a few close friends and was amazed how many others had stories to tell), I will abso-freaking-lutely be vaccinating my kids long before the age of potential sexual activity. That goes equally for my daughter and (currently in the

Nailed it.

Great link. Someone recently said to me, "sure, you're pale, but at least you don't just look like cheese." Uhh... thanks?

I find her so annoying (not sure if it's really her or just Marnie), but man, do I LOVE this dress, the simple hair and minimal accessories.