
Yes—my initial thought was, "And what about the vomit that ensues?" Better be in one of those cars where you can hose down the inside.

There have been Julia Roberts pregnancy rumors on some of the gossip sites. Could this be Meryl's reaction?

I do! I have a toddler and a 7-year-old stepson. It was the 7-y-o who started kicking the seat in front on our last plane trip, and I got after him before we could even get the stink-eye from the person in front. He took a couple of reminders, but we were right there to get on him if he started back up, and he did

Yeah. If the kid's legs are long enough to reach the seat in front, they're old enough to understand and obey parental commands to CUT THAT OUT THIS INSTANT.

As long as the parents are clearly TRYING to control, distract and entertain their kids, please try to bear with them (us). We mostly pulled the plug on travel when La Morenita hit the squirmy phase, but sometimes it's unavoidable, particularly at the holidays.

I'm with you. She's a little bit dorky and awkward, and has been through some real shit—like the drama with her ex. But she seems pretty real and grounded, and is talented and has eyes and teeth that I want to steal off her face (in a non-creepy way, I swear).

PLEASE post the outtakes of people walking into the parking garage and into the midst of this video shoot. Pleeeeeassssse, please, please, please.

ENTJ - Nebbiolo

That was my initial reaction, too. While I support the idea of this being something women can obtain and take without having to involve a third party, it might require consultation with the pharmacist or the woman's doctor for a different dosage.

You're right. Lifetime has probably already locked this down. Let's just hope they keep Lohan out of it.

I'd be down with that.

Ok, so who should play the lead roles? She's almost got a Julianne Moore vibe, but I'm not sure that's totally right...

I love me some Bey, but these lyrics sound a lot like the text of the baby book, On the Night You Were Born.

You should watch her episode of "The Getaway" that recently aired on Esquire Network (probably available on-demand or on the internet somewhere). It's a great show in general, and hers was a visit to London. The highlight involved her getting smashed and generally being hilarious with Chris O'Dowd.

Brav-fucking-o. This is both terrifying and uplifting. Thank you for taking action to give some power back to these victims. You are one smart, motivated, ballsy woman, who anyone would want in their corner at a time of crisis. I hope you write a best-selling novel and get huge bucks for the movie rights to boot,

Looks like Sofia Vergara, no?

Looks like Sofia Vergara, no?

LOVING the sounds of this. I think the new fancy slipper trend is so fantastic, though haven't invested in a pair just yet... Rock it, lady!

That sounds fabulous, and like the perfect excuse to wear a red lip and/or shoe.

A wise strategy. Our little girl is only 2, but my husband has already threatened to get a picture of himself from his army days framed and hung by the front door. Apparently, it includes him buff and shirtless, cleaning his pistol while smoking a cigar. (Although now that I say that... what are we waiting for? We