
In the article they say it's, but I think it may have sold out (The Obama Effect).

This picture was in the Michelle Obama piece. Both of those girls are getting so big, and even Sasha no longer really looks like a kid! I officially have a case of the olds.

This picture was in the Michelle Obama piece. Both of those girls are getting so big, and even Sasha no longer really looks like a kid! I officially have a case of the olds.

Thank you! Sniping on Lea Michele about her weight is in such poor taste, even for a tabloid. And criticizing Xtina, after all the shit she caught for being fat?? I scoffed. Out loud.

That's cool! But she specifically mentioned wanting to avoid anything that looks too young, and pom-pom's can skew that way. It wasn't a general anti-pom-pom sentiment.

Well, clearly you have excellent taste. ;)

Thanks :) Somehow I wan't really in the market for a hat, and yet find myself NEEDING at least one of these. Oh, Target, and her siren song!

And what's cuter than matching scarf (and gloves)?!

Personally, I'd go with a mid-weight rib or cable knit, since they give a little and won't be too hard on your hair. Avoid pom-poms or ear flaps. Either a classic pattern or something neutral. JCrew is a little pricey, but has some really cool cold weather accessories. Target has some cute ones at a lower

TEAM BROWS. Forever. My friend, Hilary, agrees.

Can you imagine how tuckered out this little guy is going to be tonight? He'll probably sleep for two days straight. And then wake up and remember IT REALLY HAPPENED.

You're absolutely right. I've been amazed at the number of au pairs who have had family issues requiring mediation and/or re-placement. And then there are those who have issues with their families (i.e. being asked to work too much) but don't want to make things awkward by by saying no, or by taking the issue to

I'm hesitant to speak up here, but here goes. We used to have a full-time nanny, and now have an au pair. I work full-time from home, with occasional travel, and have an intense toddler. My husband is an intense school program. We moved away from an expensive city in part so that we could afford in-home,

With my toddler, this would just be a lot of time and money spent on food that wouldn't get eaten. Don't get me wrong—we offer her a wide variety, but at the end of the day, she's probably just going to eat a cheese stick and a banana.

I read this as something the rich people would get suckered into and pay for on their nanny's behalf.

I landed in Germany yesterday morning, and spent the day strolling around Frankfurt with a coworker. We're in the central shopping district, where everything was shut down, but the streets were still packed with people window shopping. As 'Muricans, it was jarring to see stores closed on a day when busy people would

I landed in Germany yesterday morning, and spent the day strolling around Frankfurt with a coworker. We're in the central shopping district, where everything was shut down, but the streets were still packed with people window shopping. As 'Muricans, it was jarring to see stores closed on a day when busy people would

Now that I'm married with a kid, I miss the epic primping sessions I used to have when I did big nights out with the girls—especially experimenting with more dramatic makeup looks for evening.

I like where you're headed. Could we get Aziz on the list? I think he'd kill it.

My OB gave me "homework" early on in my pregnancy: to ask my mother and grandmothers about how they fared post-pregnancy. Try delicately asking a sweet 90-something whether she had prolapse. He said there are a lot of factors that come into play, but that genetics play a role.