
I find her strict dating type to be a kind of running joke on the show. I think most of us have friends with similar neuroses, and they usually make dating choices that are often bad, but highly-entertaining.

Yes! I was thinking a dark-haired Norton would be perfection. He's so versatile, and has those kind eyes. He'd totally rock the cardigan.

I had super-perky B's pre-pregnancy. Went up to a solid C during pregnancy, then up to a full D while nursing. Those first few weeks when my milk came in and my supply hadn't become regulated yet... holy COW (pun intended). It looked like I had huge, fake, semi-sphere boobs.

I've always understood SMH as "shaking my head," and have always seen it used in a way that implies disdain for whatever the person has done—some combination of the 1st & 2nd definitions in the Urban Dictionary post.

Making friends in your 30's is more like dating. More one-on-one, more putting yourself out there, making an effort, seeing if they reciprocate. I moved to a new city last year, while in my 3rd trimester, and had to work HARD to build up a new network. Having a kid does give easy entry into those circles, but it's

I agree that he's an idiot who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. I'm seeing a lot of "but he just plays sports," but my issue is that people in a position to influence kids and communities need to have a better sense for the power of their words. "Mess with other guys" and "SMH" are both pretty clearly

Is this HORRIBLY OFFENSIVE? Not exactly. But this guy is in a position of power and influence, and he chose to voice, essentially, his disgust and disapproval of Collins' brave move. His words have a lot more impact than just some average Joe Schmo on Twitter, and he should have thought twice and stayed mum. Major

Hate your arms? Boy, do I have the solution for you: have a kid! You spend the first 6 months or so bouncing them pretty much round-the clock, and after that you're just hauling around an increasingly-heavy weight, usually squirming (hello, resistance training). Best arms of my life! Plus other body parts will

Agreed—I think her teeth give her a charming, relate-able quality. Funny how flaws are becoming more valued, as everyone has scrambled to "fix" anything that might be deemed imperfect. And JLD definitely has a portrait aging in an attic somewhere!

Jessica Pare looks stunning—love the cut, and black/navy is always so chic when done well. But velvet in late April seems too heavy. (Ditto Wintour's fur!) Even if the temperatures aren't cooperating in some places at the moment, aren't we all ready to think spring??

I live around the corner from the Tampa Women's Club. After hearing ridiculous write-ups about all of the "Tampa Socialites" following the Jill Kelley/Petraeus hubbub last year, this confirms my continued use of sarcastic air quotes when using that phrase.

Seconded! Except they'd never get repeat guests... but screw that—I'd watch!

I have the same combo, and did laser hair removal a few years back. Ho-lee-cow, am I glad I did. It was a PITA at the time, but now I only have to shave about once per week, and it grows in much more sparsely when it does. Before that, I would shave, get the goosebumps getting out of the shower, and be prickly all

Then we are on the same page!! Great to have for posterity, though, and my friends were all really psyched to see my (clothed) bump :)

It... depends. For me, those felt too revealing to post, but to each her own. I had a friend take some great "bump" shots at around the 7-month mark (when you're showing but don't feel ENORMOUS). they were mostly clothed, but we took a few bare bump ones (though not the full Demi). The few I posted to FB were of

Maybe, maybe not. She clearly tans (real or fake), and seems to have pretty beautiful skin to begin with. Plus, not everyone gets stretch marks! I was super-thrilled to have come away relatively unscathed after carrying a nearly-9-lb baby. But I did get the weird dark line down my torso that took many months

I never thought I'd be a Kim Kardashian apologist, but her level of activity is really between her and her doctor. I had a couple of miscarriage scares (both false) early in my pregnancy, despite doing everything I should be. And yes, I worked, exercised, and even traveled a bit—all with my doctor's blessing.

For me, months 2-4 were the hardest. I didn't look pregnant yet, just thicker around the middle and generally icky (but with bigger boobs, which was a bonus). I was much happier once I got a bump and started to look more clearly pregnant. Plus, it was around that time that my energy came back and nausea went away—a

Well played.

This movie should be required viewing, period.