
They have a few teams around the country—3, I think?—that travel frequently to events like fairs and parades. I'm from St. Louis (woot!), where they have a big stable for them. They have limits on how far they can travel in a day, and they stop frequently, since it's rough on horses bodies (they're built to be

Totally normal thoughts—just wait until she arrives, and you have this totally helpless, dependent newborn, and INSANE hormones rushing through your system! I used to have visions of myself tripping while carrying her up or down stairs. And given how completely exhausted I was, it wasn't that ridiculous.

I've been there so many times. I'm like... "how do I phrase this totally weird question? Oh wait, here are three versions of it, just in the top 5 results."

Yes, buttered popcorn! So freaking bizarre.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to that (in about 2 years). I feel like there was such a huge learning curve with the first one, and with the second we'll be old pro's. But then again, we'll probably have a feisty toddler on our hands, so there's that...

Word. There are some real idiots on the birth month boards, but that site has been an invaluable resource. If not for them, I probably would have gone to the hospital about two days too early for labor & delivery.

How cool—LaMorenita is just 2 days older! And I'm with you the finger foods thing... I know it's coming, but I'm hesitant. We have our 9-month checkup next week, and I'm waiting until I hear it from my doctor to fully launch into "real" foods.

Man, I wish I had been put under. All 4 of mine were fully impacted, plus the surgeon told me that I had the killer combo of a small jaw and sensitive skin. I got a valium and whatever kind of gas in my nose during the procedure, plus shots of novocaine. But once they got going, I could still feel way too much,

The first words out of my mother-in-law's mouth upon seeing our baby: "Oooh! She's got those sexy lips!" (Now say it again in a thick Thai accent.)

Ain't that the truth. I swear I aged in appearance about 5 years during those first 4 months. But now that I'm actually sleeping again (oh, wonderful sleep!), I think I've turned back the clock a bit. But MAN, they really do take it out of you, and the first place it shows up is on your face.

I'm a bit late to reply here—fittingly, I was traveling for a Telecom trade show, where I happened to receive one of the more offensive comments of my career to date!

I work in telecom/high tech—on the business side, not the technical side, which I imagine is far worse. But even so, I was one of 2 women on my team when I started, and am frequently in situations where the male/female ratio is very high. I've conducted countless business meetings while standing alongside

With a Republican congress and Obama in the White House, I don't hold out hope that he'd get a huge amount done in his second term. What terrifies me is that, with Republicans in charge of both, they actually might.

Good take on it—I had read Don's reaction as being more about his recent special connection with Joan, but I think you're spot-on that it had just as much to do with him being caught off-guard about his work not being the sole reason they'd won the business. His ego is a bit delicate these days, and this undercut the

Yeah, I'll admit, I think he's sex on a stick. I like that tall, lanky dark-haired thing, and dude can SING. The only offense that's been committed here is posting his words with no visuals. Jez, you got your priorities mixed up!

They're both such man candy. Plus, the gay black dude can SING AND DANCE. The episode where he sings in church? Swoooon.

This is definitely one of those cases where, were it a female celebrity, we'd be all, "You go, girl!" A slap may not have been the ideal response, but it's within the realm of reasonable reactions, and I can't blame him for it.

I have the same thought all the time! LaMorenita is quite the chunkster—especially her legs and butt. But on the upside, my arms have never been so toned!

My paternal grandmother is a real piece of work. She is controlling, comments freely on everyone's weight, and is a major martyr. She only had one daughter, and manged to screw her up royally. Her daughter rebelled, and is a "free spirit" in the extreme—changing her name to a bizarre one that came to her "in a

I feel the exact same way. I was in her store in DC a few months ago, and was blown away by how cutesy, how 80's and how cheap it all looked—all while bearing a fairly hefty price tag.