
As someone who has spent countless hours in those aisles, you describe them perfectly. I will add that most of the items are coated in either a slightly oily or slightly soapy film.

Congrats to you!! And what a sweet name—I love it!

But does Jockey make the magic Mormon underwear?

Wow, that's awesome! And I have a very similar mindset. Thrilled to have made it this far, taking the rest as it comes :)

Thanks!! I've been really pleasantly surprised by how well it's going :)

Oh, I feel that. Except that we moved cities and were living in a hotel until literally the day before my due date when our furniture arrived. So it was a toss-up between having a baby at the Sheraton Suites vs. being pregnant for a million years. Ultimately, she made the call, and I suppose it was the lesser of

Seriously—I would be documenting all of that shit in case I wanted a golden parachute. As the first full-time female employee at my company to spawn, I have a few choice tidbits of my own. Such fun times!

That is INSANE. Frankly, I don't care if she were nursing for 2 years (I have a friend who just weaned her son at 20+ months), that is not something that HR should touch with a 10-foot pole. Do they not have access to Google to read even the most basic breastfeeding guidelines?

Yep! People just don't know how to act, or end up putting their foot in their mouth (which doesn't really bother me, but is highly-amusing).

That's the word for it. Pure delight!! I need to save this for a rainy day.

From a celebrity/media/privacy point of view, I agree. But in terms of medical risk, it's statistically a pretty safe point at which to let people know.

I had gone off of BC while my now-husband was on deployment, and my cycles got super irregular. To the point that they were doing hormonal testing on me and thought I might have fertility issues. We got it settled that I was ok, just irregular, and I went back on BC in time for it to be in effect for his return.

Ignorance, FTW! I use my married name (will change it legally one of these days). My husband looks very Asian, but is actually half Italian (on his father's side). So he frequently gets comments about where HIS name comes from, and I, ironically, kind of pass for Italian (dark hair).

I'm a white woman married to an Asian man... just doing my small part to buck the stereotype.

Try having a baby in Florida. It's terrifying.

Agreed. I prefer Shark Week. If you're going to over-share on the internet, at least be clever about it.

Not included in the list is BM (mommyspeak for breast milk), which gets me every time.

I get what you're saying, 100%. But I also love Tony, and know way too much about him. He will be the first to say that he's a horrible example of health or behavior. When he eats a super-rich meal, he jokes about needing his Lipitor. But to his credit, he did stop smoking (without a lot of fanfare) when he became

Agreed. She has ginormous, gorgeous eyes, a good nose, killer bone structure and a long neck. I can't wait to see better pictures of her with the new crop.

LaMorenita had me in labor for about 27 hours—roughly half at home before the contractions were consistently close together enough to go to the hospital, and the rest under the influence of that blessed epidural.