
NO KIDDING. The Daily Show piece on that was as amazing as it was depressing. As a recent transplant to Trampa, all I could muster was a *facepalm.*

Dude. We moved to Florida over the summer, and this doesn't surprise me at all. Coming from DC, it's insane how different my day-to-day interactions are. From hearing a guy at the next table profess his love for Santorum, to getting strange looks when I use a polysyllabic word, to my next door neighbor—a talented

Another trick is to massage the meaty part of your hand between the thumb and index finger. I think it's some kind of pressure point. I've tried it with success on many occasions, but the one drawback is that, well, you have to sit there massaging one hand with the other, and it's kind of impossible to get anything

Wow. Congrats on dodging that bullet. I can't say much that hasn't already been said above or below, so I'll simply raise a virtual glass to you. And to "Girl Power."

I am so proud to be a Georgetown woman this week! Not only for Sandra, but also for the way that our President and administration have stood up to applaud her poise and eloquence in the face of such vitriol, and to encourage rational discourse—regardless of whether we as individual members of the community agree or

High five! Senor LaMorena is 6'3" and Asian with salt-and-pepper hair (why yes, he is totally hot!). Like you said, not too many out there who fit that description. It's all about intention, and if my intention is to FIND HIM, it works for me.

Not to mention beautiful mixed-race babies! (And I've thought so long before I became the mother of one.)

LOL, that would be awesome. I think you should put it in the baby book just in case.

I love this. Honestly, I treasure this snuggly baby stage (despite the aforementioned drawbacks), but I'm also really looking forward to the days ahead when we can interact more. Showtunes in the shower sounds like a blast!!

Too cool! I love hearing all of the awesome and diverse things that Jezzies do for a living.

Before you have a baby, it's hard to fully comprehend the level to which it takes over your life. Maybe you'll luck out and get a mellow baby who entertains himself, takes long naps and sleeps through the night. But ours is fairly needy, so Tracie's words definitely ring true.

Yes, I definitely want to take our time and discuss it at lenght, since right now we're coming from very different places, and when the time comes, I want to present a united front, no questions asked.

Cool, thanks for the input. I definitely think I need and want to explore the full range of tools at our disposal, and figure out what suits us best, since it sounds like there are many that do not involve even the "light swat" method.

My husband and I have had several discussions about this recently as it pertains to how we'll raise our children. We have a 4-month-old together, and he has a 6-year-old from a previous relationship.

My hat is off to you—I went 6 months without my now-husband in 2010. He is an Iraq war vet, but this last time was over there as a contractor. We definitely had it easier than most military couples—he was in a pretty safe location, and we got to video chat regularly, but I still MISSED HIM SO MUCH.

UGH, I went through this last year, and it was a bitch and a half. Fortunately, I didn't get flack about my many, MANY bathroom trips, but I got all kids of pressure about my maternity leave.

Totally!! And I think he's gotten edgier in the past year, which makes him all the more so.

Ok, I never really had an opinion about her one way or another, until recently. And it's like she's on a one-woman campaign to WIN MY HEART!

Agree on Channing Tatum. I watched The Eagle with my hubby last week, and it was PAINFUL—you can practically see the gears turning.

At least it's the right color...