
This was my first introduction to her, too. I was in Barcelona for work (in '09, I think?), and the music video came on in the bar we were in. I literally stopped, stared and listened. By the end of the trip, my coworkers and I were all obsessed.

All things in moderation, including moderation. I eat cheese almost every day as a part of a varied and balanced diet, and I am quite healthy (and trim, too, though the two don't always go hand-in-hand).

A whore is someone who gets paid for sex. If anything, Katy will have to pay Russel a portion of her income from the past year, since she made significantly more than he did. So for the metaphor to work, she would be a divorced John, but that doesn't have the same ring to it.

Extremely well said. There are probably many who would have lived their lives without incident had they not been placed in horrific, stressful, violent, isolating conditions. While things involving children and minors get a zero-tolerance policy (I think we're all in agreement there), I, too, find it hard to judge

My husband is a former US Army officer, and has some terrifying accounts of things he had to deal with while deployed... gang-bangs, underage prostitutes, soap-opera-ish affairs (illegal per military law), and even a couple accounts of bestiality.

That's priceless. Even so, he's been in the presence of greatness!

I'd like mine with chocolate milk, please!

Ah, got it. Personally, I don't think I'd choose a male roommate, but in a suite/apartment situation, would be open to it. As long as they were clean. Again, hate to say it, but I've seen too many NASTY rooms/apartments belonging to college males.

I went to a Jesuit univeristy where co-ed housing is the norm starting Freshman year. On most floors, there is a girls' side and a boys' side, so that residents are closest to the common bathrooms for their gender, but it still encourages lots of male/female interaction, friendships, etc. (heh, heh). Only a couple

That is really scary. This summer I bought some stuff on Craigslist (while still pregnant) for my baby. As I do whenever I use the site, I met the people in a highly-trafficked, public area, but your story is a reminder to be extra careful. I had always heard that pregnant women have an increased risk for violence,

I would have gone ballistic, but I was also attached to an IV and catheter and fairly immobile for a couple of days afterward. If someone really wanted to, they probably could have gotten a major head start before I got my stitched-up "bottom" (as the nurses called it) out of bed and un-hooked myself enough to give

This hits home on a lot of fronts. I've been married less than a year, and make ~2.5 times what my husband does. He's proud and supportive of me, but he has a traditional streak, and I know that he would love to be the primary breadwinner.

Yep! Crazy, ignorant—your call. I don't know why on earth she would go on record talking about this stuff. Even if she believes it, you'd think her PR team would tell her to shut the F up about it, given her success in the States and our nation's (understandable) sensitivity about crazy rumors like this:

Mila looks gorgeous. Plus, I would much rather open my froo-froo magazine to see her (mediocre movies and all) instead of a batshit crazy 9/11 conspiracy theorist.

Wow, my hat is off to you. She is my first, and we definitely want another, but I can't imagine what it will be like to have a young child and an infant at the same time. During my maternity leave, I would get so frustrated (sometimes to the point of tears) by the fact that I literally couldn't do ANYTHING (get on

I have so much admiration for this woman's strength in the face of all that she's been through.

Thanks—I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but always good to hear from others who have been there! I am with you on the GSD front... we've been in our house for 4 months and still don't have a single picture hung. As for cleaning, I caved in when I went back to work and hired a 2x/monthly cleaning

As someone who hasn't had a solid night's sleep in almost 5 months (sleep the final month of pregnancy is a joke, plus the last 3.5+ months with LaMorenita), I can vouch for this in adults. It is SO HARD to focus at work now, and my fuse is definitely shorter. I have to force myself to take deep breaths and not get

I have *ahem* a "friend" who used to work there a few years back, and at the time, their website was treated like the red headed stepchild. It's gotten better, but is still clearly lacking some necessary resources.

Brilliant!! And I love their Christmas card. Anything that shows that a celeb doesn't take him/herself too seriously garners points in my book.