
I was just scanning the comments before posting the same thing. The military conducted one of the most thorough surveys ever of military servicemembers and their families, and the results were OVERWHELMINGLY in favor of repealing DADT.

I can't look at this without hearing the toothpaste commercial sparkle-sound *ding!* in my head.

We're new parents, and I just bit the bullet and hired a twice-monthly maid service. I FULLY understand that this is a luxury—I view it that way. But it's taken a huge amount of stress off of me, since I no longer feel like my free time should be spent cleaning (or I should say cleaning more—there's still plenty to

Hey, we must have delivered right around the same day—9/11 baby, here, and she was almost a week late :) Yeah, in those first SEVERAL weeks, just getting us both up, cleaned and fed by noon was a huge accomplishment. (Hell, it still is some days.)

I hadn't seen TB before this summer, but my husband adores it. After watching a couple of episodes with him, I said, "I see the appeal, but don't you think Sookie is really needy and annoying? Like ALL the men have to want her and come to her rescue?" He was kind of defensive, so I let it drop, but I'm glad I'm not

I just returned from maternity leave on Monday. I took 11 weeks—part paid, part unpaid—and got all kinds of reactions. One of my bosses kept referring to it as my "long maternity leave," while my clients in Canada and Europe are all aghast that I'm back to work so soon. (My husband had just started a new job and

It is heartbreaking—it's such a loss of independence. My grandma is an incredibly bright, strong, independent woman. But at 89, she really shouldn't be driving any more. She had an accident a few months ago that was her fault, in broad daylight—missed a turn and broadsided a car with 3 teenagers inside. Thank

I couldn't agree more!! With the increasing number of drivers in their 80's and beyond, there's no system in place to ensure they're still safe drivers. Instead, we have to wait for an accident to happen, and even then, there's often no recourse.

Word... I'm about to find out first-hand, and I'm sure I'd be guffawing if they tried to tell me some lithe model had just pushed out a baby. Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining!! (I'm a little sleep-deprived and fiesty already... can you tell??)

I'm due in a few days and just got a set of 6 nursing bras (3 white, 2 nude, 1 black) through an eBay vendor. The whole thing, including shipping, was $30. They look a bit old-fashioned, but I like them... kind of Mad Men-esque. No underwire, soft and comfy, fit well, and seem like they'll wash well.

Yeah, I had to start sizing up in my first trimester, and have grown almost 2 cup sizes throughout my pregnancy. I didn't think ahead to just buy nursing bras, though it's been nice to just have a couple of quality "normal" bras to wear. They have better support and I had more options vs. what I've found out there

Yeah, I'm not totally sure why they show the pregnant women modeling them... maybe that's preferable to either a) showing a woman who actually looks like she's just given birth (i.e. belly pooch, raccoon eyes, 1000 yard stare) or b) pretending that skinny models can pass for women who have recently given birth.

Parts of this are eerily familiar. I went off of the Nuva Ring when my now-husband was in Iraq for 6 months last year, just to give myself a break from the hormones. I started having super-irregular cycles, and went into my doctor to get checked out. She ordered rounds of hormone tests that initially indicated that

Ok, confession time, internet friends: My man is a big romantic, and surprised me with the ring and proposal (we'd discussed marriage, of course). I think my ring is absolutely beautiful, but I would NEVER have told him to go where he went and spend what he spent.

Yep, I've gained close to 30 pounds since we got engaged... and will lose about 12 lbs of that instantaneously any day now! Hopefully the rest will follow before too long.

Holy crap, you're one tough chick. Here's hoping I share your structural fortitude (and that LaMorenita is a bit more petite!!).

I'm 8.5 months pregnant and am steeling myself for the leaky months ahead. I keep dropping not-so-subtle warnings to my husband, too. Like, "you know I'm going to be pissing my pants on the regular for a while after I push this thing out, right??" And other bodily functions having to do with labor, recovery,

You said it better than I could have. I am very sensitive to noise, and while, sure, I sometimes carry on crazy, laughing conversations with my friends, you have to be aware of your surroundings and adust your output accordingly. I get supremely annoyed when people carry on load "OMGeeeeee!!!!! He did WHAT?!?!?"

Wow, that's just insane. I've seen reports that DC is pretty much the worst of the worst for both cost and availability. Maybe your grandchildren will be able to use the spot one day??

Wow, that sounds like an ideal situation. I'm close to popping out LaMorenita and would definitely consider a shared option. My plan—like yours—is to start the search once she hits the ground, since I'm taking ~3 months off. I'll start scoping out the local mommy sites and see if we can't find some non-crazy people