
Word. I'm 8.5 months pregnant and we just moved from DC to an area where the cost of living is MUCH lower and space isn't at such a premium. Before we left, we had been on wait lists for 2 daycare centers for several months, just hoping and praying a slot would open up for us by the time my maternity leave ended.

Good to know. I'm just hoping we don't have any increase likelihood for twins next time... I'm not sure I could handle it!

There's a possibility that's what I'm carrying right now!!

I hear ya—I didn't personally know anyone else who had been in my situation, and I was really nervous about it.

I think it's on your bf to tell them when you're not there, so they can take it in and get comfortable with it. My husband has a son, and I broke the news to my parents once things got serious with him. The next time they saw him after that, they were full of (positive) questions about his son, and it instantly put

Funny, but also uncannily relevant. I just moved to to a new city, and am 35 weeks pregnant. And working from home. Fortunately, my husband already knows a few people down here, but I can tell it's going to be an uphill battle to meet cool people in ways not directly tied to my new mom status. Somehow, "do you

Seconded. And besides, when you have a garment that you really love, and that makes you look and feel fantastic, how sad would it be to only be able to wear it once because of some stupid, self-imposed rule?? I love knowing that I have certain outfits in my closet that will ALWAYS come through in a pinch.

We just moved from DC to Tampa, and surprisingly, I'm finding the healthcare system here to be much, much more patient-friendly. In DC you have to ride herd on everything yourself, get on wait lists for everything, etc. Here, you can pick your appointment times, it's 100% private delivery & postpartum rooms, free

I never realized the depths of the challenges, judgements and emotions on this issue until I got pregnant. I'm now 34 weeks, and just had my hospital tour. So far, I'm very impressed—all of the nurses are trained to help with breastfeeding, and there are lactation consultants on hand and available at all times.

I'm 5'9"—not super-tall, but above average. Once I got over my adolescent gawkiness about most things, height included, I realized that with my height came a great pair of legs, which I can and should play up when I feel like it.

It's awesome—there are a few Jezzies right at the same stage! Not surprisingly, I've gotten a lot more out of a few exchanges on here than the mommy blogs (too much crazy, implied competition & judgment).

I'm literally about 4 days behind you, and the weight gain/body image stuff related to pregnancy is tough. As women, we're conditioned to manage our weight meticulously, and then we enter this new phase where we're supposed to be gaining weight, but only so much, and only at this pace, and everyone will tell you it's

I used the galmorous-sounding BridalDress4u. They were super-responsive by email, answered all of my questions, even sent me fabric samples so I could vet the quality (for a small fee). It may not have been a 100% exact replica of the original ($4k+, which I tried on in a salon), but it was darn close, and for the

I got married in May and bought my dress (new) from an eBay store. It was a Hjelm knock-off (lace, v-neck, open back). It was made-to-order based on my exact measurements and it came out to less than $700. And if I do say so, pretty gorgeous. At the end of the night when the bottom 3" were covered with dirt and

I was just thinking that... it's a HARD color to get right (especially in photos) and she looks fantastic. Cute, sweet, smart, fresh, demure... love this young lady!

I read this as, "Tonight Show Audience Cheers the Demise Bristol Palin’s Face." Which would have been equally plausable.

Oh yeah—I'm with you. My comment was saying that we used it on our horses and despite the fact that I've heard of people using it themselves, I'm not sure I'd recommend it. I love my Neutrogena (pelase tell me that's ok!!).

My family has horses, and that's its intended use! Horses' tails especially get really tangled and it has some super-slippery stuff in the conditioner to help comb out the knots. I've heard of people using it to get thick, shiny hair, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it.

I had major issues early on in my pregnancy (now 7+ months). I thought for sure I had lost the baby after a major bleeding episode around the 6-week mark, plus I had issues with my hormone levels. Fortunately, I had a fantastic doctor who made sure I got the supplements I needed, put me on couch arrest for a week,

Usually it's Curry who makes things awkward, and this one actually had me feeling bad for her instead of the subjects.