Yep, the ol’ Stalinesque Purge approach always leads to tremendous brain-drain.... leaving the government/military with no brains at the top.
Yep, the ol’ Stalinesque Purge approach always leads to tremendous brain-drain.... leaving the government/military with no brains at the top.
They’re trying to draft legislation based on buzzwords they picked up from Fox News— and just now discovering that you have to, like, DEFINE things before you can make laws around them. Sad!
But it is literally unfathomable to me that someone would lack the common sense to realize that running a country is the most difficult job imaginable.
Basically, it’s like if your blowhard middle manager racist uncle ran the government. “I’m just going to kick everyone’s ass until the deficit is solved! Now get off my lawn!”
In late 2015 I posted on Facebook that Trump was like the crazy drunk uncle at Thanksgiving that families try to ignore. I was promptly unfriended by the cousin whom my husband refers to as ‘the crazy one’.
His White House is like some medieval Italian city state with murderous politics. I guess he really is the Doge.
Remember “they’re all leaking on one another?” Since Trump chooses people based on loyalty rather than competence, the only shared bond they have is to Trump. This means various high-level people in the White House, and not “burrowed-in” Obama holdovers, are the ones constantly trying to undermine one another.
Idiot. Can’t even fire the right people. The leaks are coming from INSIDE the transition!
Actually, there were plenty of competent people already in positions who were willing to stay, if only for the sake of making a serious effort to educate the Trumpkins and contain the forest fires.
They fired all of them.
You can thank Bannon’s paranoia for that.
Part of the problem is that many of these EOs are drafted by Steves Miller and Bannon, neither of whom is a trained lawyer.
Part of the problem is that many of these EOs are drafted by Steves Miller and Bannon, neither of whom is a trained lawyer.
President Trumpshitz is basically your retired 88 year old dad who still wants to drive, despite not being able to see or hear.
My theory is that they figured they could do everything the Obama administration could do, but using the exact opposite action as a template. Instead they’ve created Bizarro World, where competence is mirrored by incompetence; compassion is mirrored by cruelty; and discipline and planning gets to be flailing about…
Don’t lose focus. The MOAB isn’t that big of a deal: it’s a large conventional weapon, but it’s not materially different from ten 2,000-pound bombs bundled together. The attempted rollback of National Monument (not Park) designations made under the Antiquities Act will be in litigation for years, and this…
I find myself screaming at random times for what appears, on the surface, to be no reason. But there’s a reason, all right. Ugh.
Just this week we saw the steps towards Net Neutrality being ended and removing designations of land being National Parks. At some point they are going to jam through a terrible health care bill and tax changes. Its not limited. And on the non-domestic front we have generals not even bothering to ask permission to…
I don’t recall that saying...
Well, it starts with wanting to have the Inaugural Parade down Constitution Avenue feature tanks and missiles.
The saving grace of this Administration is that nobody who’s remotely competent wants to come anywhere near this shitshow, so the damage they can do is limited on the domestic front. Unfortunately, the orange toddler still has the nuclear football.