Australian Liberals are about the liberty of the rich to fuck everything they like be it the environment, the poor, or your gran. And they are about equality in that you are free to be born rich. They’re neo-liberals.
Australian Liberals are about the liberty of the rich to fuck everything they like be it the environment, the poor, or your gran. And they are about equality in that you are free to be born rich. They’re neo-liberals.
So long as Shinzo Abe MCs.
Too many rich sons would be in danger of actual consequences then.
That was Art.
I want a perm.
Okay, but that sounds gorgeous.
I also find that swimwear has this trend of very little ass-cheek coverage. I want all by bathing suit area to be IN MY BATHING SUIT pls.
Omg yes. And where I don’t have to wear a leather belt that sticks out all over the place utterly destroying a nice silhouette.
I am completely with you on the consternation over these. fucking. tops.
I kind of think she should go into law.
I was hoping they got some help for the guy who was convicted for throwing the hammer through the window. I hope he was flooded with job offers.
Does anyone know if there’s a charity that provides financial support for those who want to leave? I mean if you’re holding a job as well as being in the church you’ll probably be ok, but for those who joined sea org and left school at 14 (!!!!) to work for the church life will probably be very difficult. I wonder how…
Greer can be kind of gross about trans women. Just a heads up.
Keeping corporate prisons well-stocked is also the only way the US could feasably compete with offshore manufacturing. Terrifying thought.
You are correct. I am crying.
I am really angry at you right now.
Leader of the Fascist world?
I would not be surprised if he has some ptsd. That robbery would have been very traumatic even if he was not present. Whether it is that, bipolar, or something else I hope he gets the care and support he needs.
Holy fucking shit.
Nah. You need easy access to regular prostate exams and to check your nuts regularly for any unusual lumps. No kicks. Also dismantled myths about men taking care of their health and going to the doctor as unmasculine.