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I will always use any excuse to post this.

There’s statements coming up here about the poor training of American police, and this is something that needs to be addressed: most police officers receive very good training, but the problem is that it’s tactically heavy training.

I agree, plus sex isn’t the same as gender. There’s nothing wrong with recognizing a child’s sex at birth while making zero assumptions about their future gender (or sexuality) provided you give them options to identify correctly down the line.

Nope, you are not an old. I am an old, in my early 50's, and sack dressing is a fucking godsend. Nothing fits me well anymore anyway (just wait until your meticulously-maintained body gets a mind of its own), so I may as well be comfortable and I’m DELIGHTED that these are currently fashionable. I’m going to continue

Yeah it’s confusing. We have ‘big L’ Liberals (The Liberal Party) who are more conservative and ‘small L’ liberals (the Labor party) who are more, well, liberal. The truth is that both the major parties are essentially centre-right. One is a bit more right than the other. The third party is The Greens, who evolved out

FYI, the Liberal Party is the name of our main conservative party. Turnbull, as Prime Minister, is the leader of that Liberal (Conservative) party, that governs in a coalition with the National (Country conservative) party. Turnbull and his colleagues have much in common with the UK Conservative Party/Theresa May etc.

he’s a total cunt.

While he’s no Tony Abbott, who is a rubbish person, Mal was seemingly the smart and switched on guy in the Liberals (our conservatives). Most out the Liberals are rich born-to-rule private school kids turned dinosaurs with no idea of the real world. He was a right-winger lefties could vote for, much to the chagrin of

Turnbull is a total piece of shit. He’s just less embarrassing on the world stage than fucking Abbott.

To be honest, what she can receive now is simply palliative as by definition, she has stage IV breast cancer.

I’ve seen Ivanka’s clothing on its own display at Lord & Taylor. When I saw it at the mall a few months ago, I was tempted to make a Snapchat and write, “NOOOOOO!!!”

I’ve only ever seen her stuff at places like Marshalls or TJ Maxx or on amazon. Before all this trump president fever dream nightmare, I sort of equated her brand as slightly down market than Jessica Simpson (I will admit to owning more than few Jessica Simpson dresses).

Maybe she’s a crier? I am. I cry at everything. I cried all morning today.

Boston, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, Journey...that’s dad rock. Alice and Chains and Soundgarden is not dad rock, you take that back right now!

I’m so envious of women who can shave their heads and look good. The fact that I have interesting hair is the only thing that distracts the eye from the fact that my face looks like a potato.

“It’s not illegal to be an asshole and no one here owes you anything.”

Her situation sounds more like sex discrimination than asshattery, though.

Jeff Koons doesn’t care if you know it or not.